I Promise.

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John's P.O.V.

The date was going perfectly. The atmosphere was perfect, the food was perfect, the conversation was perfect...Roger was perfect.

After clumsily feeding each other forkfuls of our food for the other to try we had shared a dessert and now we were just sipping on what was our second bottle of Moët and Chandon.

"How do you think Fred's coping with being alone with Brian?" Roger asked, grinning.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say, not very well." I chuckled imagining the scenarios that could have been happening.

"That boy is crazy about him. I feel bad that we're kind of advancing and Brian might not even like men. Fred might never get a chance with him..." Roger sounded genuinely sad about the prospect.

"He's done so much to help us...we need to try and help Freddie now..." I swilled my champagne around in my glass.

"I agree." Roger nodded.

There was a comfortable silence until Roger spoke again.

"So, Deaks. Out of ten, how was tonight?" He asked, blushing.

"Are you kidding me. It was way above a ten." I grabbed his hand from across the table and he let me take it, I felt his thumb stroke my hand and a shiver travelled down my spine.

"So...does this mean we can go on another date?" He looked down all bashful.

I squeezed his hand and he looked up at me again, "Of course. The sooner the better." I grinned.

He raised his eyebrows in shock and cracked into a smile, "Tomorrow?" He said quietly.

My heart skipped a beat, I thought I'd have to wait till next week to have Roger all to myself again but to be able to have him tomorrow?! How could I resist?

"Yes! Tomorrow." I nodded eagerly.

His smile grew and he laughed, "Amazing."

We had finished our champagne and we were ready to leave, "I'm just going to nip to the toilet, I'll be right back." He said as he slipped away.

Once he was out of sight I let out a heavy sigh of satisfaction. A noticeable warmth was present in my heart, I felt lucky. Loads of people were after him and he chose me? I felt wonderful that I was no longer hiding behind a mask anymore. We were in it together.

I just hope, really hope that we end up getting together. I would be the happiest person in the world.

"Are you ready to go?" I felt his hands on my shoulders as he stood behind my chair, I nodded and stood up, he held open my jacket...Freddie's jacket...and I slipped it on.

"We need to pay." I reminded him as we were leaving out through the doors.

"I've already paid, Deaky, don't worry." He flashed me a gorgeous grin. "Shall we?" He offered me his arm, I was shocked but I wasn't one to deny, so I linked in with him and we headed to a taxi, he must have already called it for us.

It was like he was completely comfortable and didn't care if people looked at us, I wished and wanted to not care but I still had this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that people would look at us and judge...especially if it's the press, they'd have a field day if they caught two members of Queen hooking up. But I tried to ignore those thoughts and embrace the feel of our arms linked together.

We bundled into the taxi and soon we were on our way home, it was just past midnight and I was getting tired but I was still hyper about the date with Roger, we sat closely, I wanted to hold his hand but resisted the urge, I glanced at him as he looked through the window, he was utterly gorgeous.

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