Toilet Cubicle Hook Ups.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

"What? No! Are you kidding me?!" I yelled.

"Then I'm not coming down." He waved me off and continued to swing from a weak looking pipe on the ceiling.

"You're going to get us thrown out." I stared at him unimpressed but he ignored me.

The effects of the two absinthes were working and I was feeling wobbly now, if I was to climb up there I'd probably fall.

I clenched my fists growling at this idiotic man swinging like a monkey on top of a cage, my legs started carrying me forwards, planning a route to get up there, I was taller than him, I could reach the top bar but where do I go from there?

There was a yell from the crowd and I looked to Charlie who was swinging higher now, the onlookers who thought it was funny at first had grown worried for his safety too.

"Fuck sake." I growled, jumping up to grab on to the top bar and using my feet on the bars of the cage to walk my way up. "Fucking bastard." I groaned, heaving myself up in an unsophisticated fashion and rolling on top of the cage, out of breath I paused for a few seconds before scrambling to my feet, I was behind Charlie now, he was unaware I was up here with him, he swung on the pipe and when he came backwards I caught him, yanking him off the pipe and standing him up.

There was applause from the crowd but I hardly noticed it as I span him around to face me with force, shaking from anger.

"Get. Down."  I spat, my eyes burning through him.

He was shocked, not expecting me to come up there for him.

"Make me." He said cockily, a smile on his face, his eyes glazed over and his pupils were huge. He'd taken something.

I went behind and knocked his knees from behind him, making them give way and he fell backwards, I sat him on top of the cage and pushed his legs over the edge.

Thankfully, some slightly more sober onlookers were waiting at the bottom of the cage waiting to help get him down, I grabbed one of his hands and pushed the giggling, drunken, drugged up mess from the edge of the cage, holding up him with one of his hands and letting the people at the bottom grab him and put him on the floor.

Now how the fuck was I supposed to get down?

I went backwards, legs first, grabbing onto the bars and hoping the grip on my shoes wouldn't slide on the metal.

As I was about to grab onto another bar my jacket got caught on a screw that was sticking out, I tried to free it still hanging onto the cage but I was loosing strength and yanked it free, ripping the sleeve on my jacket and cutting my arm on the sharp screw before loosing strength and sliding the rest of the way down, somebody at the bottom caught me and stopped me from falling.

"Thank you." I said quickly, turning around to the still, grinning Charlie, I charged towards him, grabbing his hand and shoving him into the toilets, there was nobody else in there which was just aswell because I was about to fucking blow.

I shoved him up against a wall, "What the fuck was that?" I hissed in his face.

"Just a bit of fun." He laughed.

"Fun?! You could have fucking killed both of us up there, what the hell have you taken?!" I had it all figured out now, he kept disappearing so he could take drugs.

"What haven't have I taken?!" He bobbed his head about.

My eyes grew wider, I was partial to a tad of coke now and again but I would never go over the top and I would never mix drugs.

I let go of him and and stepped back, I didn't know this Charlie. What happened to the quiet, sweet little thing? I thought he was a respectable, classy guy but I was completely wrong. It was unattractive. I especially didn't want to be chasing him about acting like his fucking Father.

I looked down at the floor, disappointed in him and feeling, for some reason, betrayed.

"You need to go home." My voice was flat.

"Fuck that. I'm having a great time." He yelled.

I couldn't make him go home...sometimes, he reminded me of myself. Reckless with that 'I don't give a fuck' attitude, climbing on top of that cage would have been something I would have done if I was in his state...but I felt responsible for his safety and I hated that.

I didn't want someone who was like me...I wanted someone who knew how to tame me.

But maybe this was just a one off.

"Come on." I nodded my head towards the door exiting the toilets.

"Wait, I need a piss." He staggered towards a cubicle, grabbing my hand, he attempted to drag me in with him.

"Woah woah...what're you doing?" I asked cautiously.

"Come in with me..." he bit his finger teasingly.

I'd had many toilet cubicle hook ups in my past so I knew what his body language was telling me, but I was going to keep my promise to Deaky. My dick was to remain firmly untouched. However tempting it may be. Even the anticipation and the fact that he was subtly suggesting we fuck right here was enough to make me tingle.

"No. I'll wait out here." I pulled my hand back from him and stepped away, he pouted at me before closing the door.

My forearm where I had cut it on the screw on the cage was stinging a little so I rolled up my torn sleeve to examine the damage.

"Oh...fuck." I gasped. The adrenaline I was going through had obviously been masking some of the pain that I should have been feeling. A large, deep gash lay across my wrist, oozing with blood. It was a good job my jacket was red because at closer inspection there was a huge patch of blood on its, this was one of my favourite jackets!

I wasn't a squeamish soul and it was a good job. I got a handful of tissue and ran it under the tap before attempting to clean my wound before Charlie emerged and saw it. I quickly pulled down my sleeve, it was still bleeding but I had other things on my mind right now.

"Come on, big boy." He crooned when he finally came out.

"I'm taking you home."

"Just one more drink! Please, Fred?" Those green eyes were dangerously forgiving.

"Okay. One more. And then home." I pushed.

He took my hand and lead me over to the bar, Admittedly it was nice to hold a hand after so long...

In under a minute he handed me a giant pint of beer, holding his own too, "It's on me." He grinned.

I think I deserved it after everything Ive just been through.

I stumbled behind him as he dragged me into the middle of the dance floor, he screamed and whooped above the music making me chuckle a little, he was a lot more eccentric than I'd ever put him down for.

He span me around and we both danced, I was super pissed now and my mood was quickly lightening, he wrapped my arms around him and was startled when he put my hands on his waist and he started to grind on me. Hard.

And then I lost self control. I pulled him closer to me, his grinding getting harder along with my cock and my grip on him tightening. Groaning loudly even though nobody could hear me, tipping my head back and embracing the moment...why did I give in so easily.

We finished our drinks and went back to the bar...again and again and again.

The whole surroundings blurring into one motion, I couldn't see straight and was on the verge of throwing up, the music was merely a noise and I didn't realise anything that was going off around me.

Not even when he dragged me out of the club.

Not even when we got into a taxi.

Not even when we got back to his house.

Not even when he dragged me up to his bedroom.

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