Not Now.

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Roger's P.O.V.

I awoke groggily to the loud banging, I heard John groan sleepily and he shoved me, "Get the door." He sounded grumpy.

I sighed heavily, why did I have to get it? I was so tired I didn't even think to throw on any clothes and answered the door in just my boxers.

I rubbed my eyes whilst swinging the door open.

"About time." A voice sniggered.

My eyes finally focused and it was Freddie, back from town. least I thought it was Freddie...he looked different.

"Christ are you two back in bed already? Such lightweights, the lot of you." He giggled.

I would have answered him if I could stop staring.

I must have looked gormless because he questioned my expression.

"What...?" He asked, suspiciously.

"What the fuck have you done to your hair?" I asked quietly, in slight shock.

He put his hand to his head and ran his fingers through it, "Oh! I forgot about that. I got it cut." He shrugged.

"Got it cut?! You said you were only going for a trim..." I was flabbergasted.

He shrugged again, "Well...I-I changed my mind." He smiled sheepishly.

I continued to stare at him. I couldn't decide if I liked it...for as long as I'd known Freddie...he's always had long hair! And now it was short...really short!

"Don't you like it?" He asked, he looked a little uncomfortable.

"It doesn't look very...rock star. You look like a dad." I wasn't being rude, he didn't look as edgy and rock 'N' roll as he did with long looked a little more...normal. But that wasn't me saying I didn't like it because it suited could actually see his face for a change as it wasn't covered with a curtain of hair anymore. Also...he had one hell of a jawline. Another thing that had been covered.

Did it make him look younger or older? I couldn't quite make my mind up.

Being brutally honest with myself I did think he looked sexy with long hair but...I think I could definitely adjust to this new style of his. It was already growing very quickly on me.

"A dad?!" He looked mortified.

"I'm kidding." I smiled, "I like it."

"You don't sound very convincing." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I like it! It suits you!" I reassured.

"Good. Well I don't give a fuck if you don't like it. The long hair trend is well over...get with the times, Taylor." He smirked, flicking a piece of my hair.

I shook my head at him, smiling, "What did you want anyway?"

"Just to make you aware of my presence, darling. That's all." He backed away and started to go towards Brian's room.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." I warned him as he was about to enter.

He froze and looked at me, "Why?"

"Apparently Jim has found you you're own room after what went off between you and that curly bastard in there."

Freddie continued to stare at me which was already making me appreciate his new haircut what with all his defined facial features on show...but he kept silent so I pushed on.

"What happened between you and him last night?" I asked, slightly glaring at him, closing our hotel room door behind me so I was stood out in the hotel corridor wearing nothing but underwear.

"Nothing." He answered, too quickly.

Brian and Fred were such awful liars.

"You know you might as well have liar written on your now bare forehead." I beckoned.

His hand dropped from the door handle and his head fell.

His smile had vanished and his voice, which was fucking ruined, was even quieter, "I don't want to talk about it."

"You don't want to...or he's not letting you?" I scolded like his parent.

He looked awkward, "Both..."

"You know you can tell me." I reassured.

"I know. And...I-I want to...I need to talk about it with somebody but...I don't want to betray Brian even more than I have done." He looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

This didn't sound good.

"You two were fine in the restaurant earlier..." I hinted.

He shrugged, "Yeah...we're okay. Miraculously sorted it out between us but...I still feel fucking awful about it."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I smiled.

He nodded at me childishly, "Get dressed and meet me in the lobby? I'll tell you there." He forced a smile and then turned on his heel, walking away.

I stared after him, feeling bad for him. He appeared to be rather upset and distressed. But the little voice in the back of my head didn't shut up the whole time he was talking to me, wouldn't shut up about how...good looking, masculine, he looked with his new hair do.

I shook my head hard and returned into the hotel room.

"Who was it?" Deaky asked, sounding rather unimpressed.

"It was just Freddie." I smiled.


He was sat up in bed, he had more colour in his cheeks than he did earlier and looked less poorly.

I walked past to go into the bathroom to wash my face.

I stood in front of the mirror, running a sink full of water and began to splash my face.

I heard him shuffling into the bathroom after me, expecting him to start running the bath but I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his hands work themselves down to my crotch.

I squirmed, not being able to remove his hands as they were busy lathering up soap on my face, so I couldn't see him either as my eyes were closed too.

"Hey...later yeah?" I smiled, managing to wash away the soap from my eyes.

He shook his head and grabbed my dick through my boxers but I tried to turn around to face him, to stop these antics.

Any other time, I would have gladly welcomed his touch and let him do anything to me. But I was concerned about Freddie and quite frankly, wasn't in the mood. He'd been cranky with me all day and what was the point? It wasn't like he was going to let me do anything back to him.

His hand started to slide into my boxers but I managed to grab his wrist before he touched me.

"John." I said, sternly.

His hand flinched away and his eyes widened in shock at my tone of voice.

"Not now." I shook my head and went back into the bedroom to start getting dressed.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm busy, I'm sorry. Later, I promise." I side smiled at him and went to the door to leave.

"Where are you going?" He asked, stroppily.

"To see Fred." I replied, casually, opening the door.

"Oh so is that why you stopped me? You want to save your cum for him, do you?" He said, with venom in his voice.

I froze, staring at him as if he was crazy. "Excuse me?!" I scoffed.

"Nothing." He spat, turning away and sitting with his back to me.

"You're being fucking ridiculous." I matched his tone of voice before leaving and slamming the door behind me.

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