Hyper And Drunk.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

"We ready to do this?" Brian called.

"Yeah." I grinned, excited about going on stage.

The rest of our rehearsal went well and we had all calmed down a little. I'd gone for the white suit...the one that Brian chose.

We could hear the crowd screaming from our dressing room. I wasn't nervous, I'd done this so many times I didn't get nervous anymore, but I did always get a little shiver down my spine.

We were ushered backstage where I took my position behind a huge sheet, a light would shine behind me and cast my silhouette onto the sheet, I would start singing and the sheet would drop as the beat kicked in.

The place was pitch black, the rest of the boys had gone out on to the stage ready to play but nobody could see them yet, not until my sheet fell away and the lights came up.

I grinned as I heard Brian start to play and took my position, the crowd going mental as they heard us, what a fucking crazy life I live.

And then, I began to sing, "Here I stand..."

The show was going amazingly, much better than any of us thought, all of us getting a little tipsy as we played, alcohol kept being passed to us to keep us refreshed but it was just making us wild.

The crowd was chanting and it was the best sound a musician could hear, it just kept the adrenaline pumping and most of all, it just made me want to keep delivering.

I was strutting my stuff on stage, slapping a tambourine against my leg, singing with all my might...getting drunker...and more intoxicated as each song went buy. Making me even more fearless and even more reckless.

It's true what they say, music truly does move you. Gets into your veins and you can't control yourself. Pair that with alcohol and you have a dangerous cocktail.

I hardly knew what I was doing when I tore across the stage and to one of Brian's huge speakers, I got behind it and started pushing it with all my might, wanting it to topple over. How fucking rock and roll would that be?
I knew I shouldn't be doing it and it would probably break but I didn't care.

Brian was still playing his guitar like fire, caught my eye and started to shake his head at me desperately.

I grinned evilly, pushing it more, it was wobbling.

Brian had rushed forward, not being able to stop me as his hands were occupied so he started to push it back with his back against it, but I was stronger than he was and eventually that massive thing fell off and tumbled onto the stage...almost fucking squishing Brian but he shouldn't have been in the way, should he.

I threw my arms in the air and cheered at the sight of the ruined speaker, my action getting a loud roar of appreciation from the crowd.

"Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen. You've been a beautiful audience here tonight, thank you so much for having us! Goodnight!" I yelled, all four of us bowing before running off the stage.

We got back to our dressing room, all hot and sweaty and desperately needing a shower.

"Holy shit that was mental!" Roger squealed, a huge grin on his face.

"That was one of the best audiences we've ever had! We really pulled that out of the bag there, boys." John celebrated.

"We are so fucking good." I cheered. Hyper and drunk.

"What the fuck was that?" I was suddenly pushed up forcefully against a wall, a hand gripping me by the neck of my costume.

Brian was staring at me with such anger.

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