Are You Jealous, Roger?

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Freddie's P.O.V.

Two weeks later.

I could've bowed down and started kissing Brian's feet when I walked into that room to see my piano sitting there. I'd quizzed him about how he managed to find it, he told me that when I had been taken away by the police and he continued to pack his car with our stuff, he came across a slip of paper, a receipt, stating how much Charlie had sold it for, who to, and to where it had gone. Brian had then called the lovely old man that had it and explained the situation, he had offered to buy it back from him but being awfully understanding, the old man didn't want Brian's money and let us have it back for nothing.

My beautiful instrument was now sitting back in the safety of the living room of our house, a large job but when I needed it in the studio we got somebody to take it there, I mean I could use a smaller one but I'm adamant that anything else will not sound the same. So now it was back home. Thank fuck.

Also, myself and the boys had finished recording Somebody To Love and our new album was in the final mixing stages, soon to be released in a months time.

So, for once in our lives, everything seemed to be going to plan. Myself and Brian were magnificent, we had been on a couple more dates and now we're acting all flirty around each other as if we were...together. But we're not. Not yet.

But then there was Roger and John. They were also thriving as a pair, John had long since forgotten about the custody mishap and was talking to me and Brian again like nothing had happened. But Roger on the other hand was continuing to be bitter about something.

He snapped at Brian all the time, often just blatantly ignoring me or not making any kind of effort to have a conversation. Which I was missing. Roger was the person I always went to when I had some kind of scandalous piece of gossip to tell. But he hadn't even once asked me about how myself and Brian were going since him and John came back from there little break. It's like he didn't want to know and that's not like him.

All this made me think back to Brians question he had sprung on me the other week, about Roger liking me. Which I still think is absolutely fucking ridiculous but with me and Rog being so bloody close for so many years and now my attention all being on Brian now that I had him in my grasp...maybe he was a little jealous?

"Rog, throw me that cable will you?" Bri asked the blonde.

I wasn't facing them, but I did hear Roger sigh in annoyance loudly and throw the cable without any words.

I had to keep turned away otherwise I would have lost my temper. Brian wasn't being mean or anything to him, it's just like Roger didn't want to be around him at all.

Deaky had left the studio early to attend a dentist appointment and the atmosphere was thick with awkwardness.

"What did John have to go to the dentist for?" I tried to make conversation, turning around from my seat.

He cast me a quick glance and shrugged quickly, turning away.

Brian and myself exchanged exhausted glances, slowly loosing the will to keep trying with him.

My patience was wearing thin.

"Me and Fred are nipping to the shop after to pick up some bits, what do you fancy for dinner tonight? We'll get the stuff we need whilst we're there." Brian tried to get him talking this time.

Again, he shrugged, "Don't care."

I huffed loudly, "Roger, cooperate! We need to know so we can get the ingredients." I pushed.

"I'll just have what you have, I don't care, Freddie!" He spat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I stood up, pointing at him.

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