What Was It?

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Rogers P.O.V.

I didn't want to leave John out there with that strange guy. What was he doing? How long had he been waiting there? It was about three o'clock in the morning...he must have known we were not in our room and would be returning soon to be able to just pounce on us like that.

I didn't know who he was, I had no idea.

But it seemed John knew for certain, and he didn't want me to find out.

I know Deaky is good in situations like this, he keeps calm.
A lot calmer than I do, because after he sent me inside out hotel room I knew things were going to go badly. I mean, for one, the chance of a fuck was gone now.

I'd had my ear pressed up against the room door, trying with all my might to hear what the two of them were saying to each other, I just wanted to know who that guy was.

But all I could hear was muffled voices, not clear enough to make out any words. But now they were quiet.

I waited for some more, but...nothing.


Slowly prising myself away from the door, I opened it up, not caring if they were still out there having a little private conversation, I just wanted John to come back into the room with me.

But when I opened the door, they had both disappeared. They were gone.

I instantly panicked, thinking Deaky had been kidnapped and dragged away against his own will.

Those awful scenarios of the worst possible situation that could ever happen crept into my head, even though you know, deep down, it's probably nothing, the brain still likes to play with you and make everything seem a lot worse than it is.

"Deaky?!" I called quietly, desperate but not wanting to wake the other people in the hotel.
"John?!" I called, a little louder this time, as loud as I dared to go.

I span around trying to locate him but the hallways of this hotel were absolutely deserted and he, nor the other man, were anywhere to be seen.

I didn't know what to do. In a flash I found myself banging on the door of Freddie's and Brian's room that was next to ours, the thought of them probably being asleep never entering my head. I had more important things on my mind.

I kept banging impatiently until their door swung open, a bed headed Brian, rubbing his eyes from the harsh light of the hallway, a sheer contrast to the pitch black of their room, stood in the doorway.

"Rog...what's up?" He groaned sleepily, his eyelids heavy.

"Is John in there?!" I asked frantic, pushing past him and flicking on a light, not realising that Freddie was in bed and I had just woken him up.

"What the fucks happening now?" He asked in the same sleepy voice as Brian, propping himself up on his elbows in bed, looking disheveled and far from impressed.

"Johns disappeared!" I flapped.

"Roger, calm down..." Brian tried to soothe.

"No! We...we were just getting back to our room and this strange guy came out of nowhere, he and John knew each other and...I don't know, Deaks told me to go in our room while they spoke and now he's nowhere to be seen!" I rushed, pacing their room whilst they both tried to wake themselves up.

"They're probably friends...they might have gone for a drink in the bar..." Brian reasoned, throwing on a T-shirt.

Freddie had gotten out of bed now and was wrapping himself up in a dressing gown.

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