Someone's Popular.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I was so happy when Charlie left the studio earlier. He's a real spoilt brat and Brian's just making him worse.

I promised myself I wouldn't get involved in their relationship but it makes me so angry how Charlie speaks to Brian...and he still thinks confetti puffs out of his arse.

Charlie was cheating on Brian. With anybody he laid his eyes on. But Brian refused to believe, thought his little munchkin loved him too much to do that. But I knew what Charlie was like. I'd dealt with a lot of people like him.

I just needed him to open his eyes and see the truth instead of sugar coating everything.

Charlie didn't love Brian. If he loved him he'd be devoted to him. Make him feel good about himself. And he doesn't.

It had been a nice day at the studio after Charlie had left, it was actually nice to work with Brian and bond after so long, I still couldn't let myself be as close to him, not until he's got rid of that cretin.

And Roger. The Whore! Having John give him a blowjob! About fucking time. I was slightly shocked at how comfortable John had been with having Roger's dick in his mouth and swallowing his cum. My little sluts are growing up.

My mood had slightly blackened when we got home, I wanted to stay in with the boys, something I'd not done for a long time...but I was meeting Rory.
And I was fucked, gorged on pizza at the studio and Rory said he was going to cook for I either had to make up the excuse that I wasn't hungry or just not eat his food. I mean, Jesus, I already felt the size of a whale.

I was in my room, picking out an outfit when my door burst open making me jump.

I clutched my heart, "Fuck my life, Deaky!" I gasped.

"You're meeting Rory?!" He exclaimed, grinning.

He sat on my bed awaiting the story that I had not yet told him.

I shrugged, nodding, "It's not a big deal, John. He's moved down here for a job, saw him in The Mill..."

"Oh my god, I can't believe it's Rory! Your first love! This is so cute. It's fate." He giggled.

I raised an eyebrow at his unnecessary excitement.

"It's not fate it's just a fluke. And he wasn't my first love...I never loved him." I smiled at his childishness.

"Yes but still, you two were made for each other!"

I honestly don't know where the boys have got this idea from, yes we dated on and off for a long while and had lots and lots of sex. Lots of meaningless and unloving sex.

I shook my head at him.

"You have to make him your boyfriend!"


"To get over Brian! Come on, Fred. Think logical here. He's popped up at the perfect time to fix your broken heart." He grinned.

I looked at him as if he was crazy, "You know I don't believe in all that shit. It's just a coincidence we were in the same place at the same time. Look, I'm not even sure I want to see him tonight, I'm just doing it to keep Roger happy and now you. I don't have feelings for him anymore. He's not what I want." I admitted.

Deaky's smile disappeared. "Just give him a chance."

"I am. I'm seeing him tonight but that's it. I wiped my hands clean of people like him ages ago." I took off my scruffy T-shirt and threw it at him making him smile again, he watched me slip on a clean, silky blouse.
"These or these?" I asked, holding up two different pairs of trousers.

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