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Freddie's P.O.V.

I'd found it incredibly hard to sleep. I didn't know whether it was because I was cooped up on this tiny little bed on the bus. In a weird place or...or because Brian was single.

I had to keep it calm when he told me he had broken up with Charlie, I was ecstatic!

Although, I did feel bad for Brian, he had loved Charlie, you could tell by the way he looked at him. And did I blame him for not believing us when we warned him that we thought Charlie was cheating on him? No. Because he didn't want to believe. And that's okay. But I'm just sad that it took Brian to see it with his own eyes to finally understand that Charlie didn't give a shit about him.

But I did.

Typical Charlie for not leaving Brian alone, he's probably realised he's lost out on a good thing. Or his ego is too big to be able to fathom the fact that he just got dumped. I'll get rid of the little dickhead.

But now I had resorted back to the beginning. Brian was single. I was single. And I was still crazy for him.
Only this time it was different. This time...I know he likes men. This time...I could have a chance with him. And it was just making me feel ever more hopeless. How do I get his attention? And then there was also the dreaded thought that, y'know what. Freddie? You just might not be Brian's type.
But because I didn't know that yet, I was going try with him. Subtly. I'll turn my charm on. Rub him up the right way. I'll do anything.

After what seemed like a fucking lifetime, we'd set off early this morning and we had finally arrived at our venue.

It was a private show, only a set amount of tickets sent out and then a handful sold to the public, apparently it was a sellout! One of the biggest compliments we could get.

And also, thank the man above, there was a team of staff ready and waiting for us to help set up our shit. We were panicking about that seeing as though we didn't have our own roadies yet. It also meant we could fit in one more rehearsal before the show whilst they did the hard work for us.

We were escorted to our dressing room where we got settled and made a cup of tea.

"So we're starting with Liar, right?" Roger asked, lazily.

"No...we're staring with Now I'm Here." I looked at the blonde, worried.

"What? But we've been starting with Liar when we've been practising!" He argued.

"Roger, Liar is in the middle of the fucking show."

The drummer looked at Brian confused, "He's right Rog. Have you even been at any of our rehearsals?" Brian joked.

"Well never mind that, what the fuck do I wear? The white suit or the black studded one?" I pondered.

"Black." Roger nodded.

"Yeah, black." John agreed.

"Bri?" I smirked.

"Umm...white." He blushed.

"White it is then." I grinned.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Jim poked his head around the door, "Everything's set up guys, ready for a sound check?"

We all nodded and followed Jim out onto the stage, our shit didn't take long to set up seeing as though we were broke as fuck and couldn't afford any fancy stage props, just our instruments and us.

Our sound check and last rehearsal was going okay until we started to practice White Queen.

"You're coming in too early, Roger!" I snapped, getting irritated with all of them.

"I'm not! You're coming in too late!"

I banged my head down on the piano and growled angrily. I'd forgotten the mics were still on when I whispered, "Fucking idiot..." under my breath...which of course turned out to be loud enough for the whole room to hear.

There was silence until I heard a whoosh of air and felt something hard hit me right on the head. I looked up to see a drum stick bouncing across the stage.

I turned like lighting, "Ouch, you bastard!" I stood up rubbing my head, he just threw a fucking drum stick at me!

I was in full blown rage mode now and hurtled towards Roger who was ready to throw his other drum stick in my face, I almost got to him until Deaky caught hold of me and pulled me away, I fought him off, seething.

"That's it. I'm fucking done! I'm leaving." I spat, rushing out of the room and hiding backstage. I wasn't actually going to leave, I just wanted to scare them a little by staying back here out of the way for a while and calming down.

"Is he actually going to come back? He's been gone half an hour..." I heard John say.

I had been back here all that time and didn't plan on going back any time soon.

"I'm panicking. Where the fuck is he?! Oh god, I feel awful now." Roger worried, everyone sounded distressed.

"He'll be back." Brian answered, I could hear his smile in his voice.

"He would've come back by now!" Roger wailed.

"We should go look for him. We're running out of time!" John sounded desperate.

I was trying so hard to not laugh back here, having calmed down I wasn't an angry mess anymore, I was just enjoying hearing them worry about me.

"He'll come back! Stop worrying!" Brian giggled.

Smart arse. He knew me too well.

"What if he doesn't?!" Roger cried.

I heard Brian sigh and a rattle of a microphone that was still on.

I heard Brian's teasing voice loud and clear through the mic, "Oh Freddie? Freddiepoo? Come back, where are you Freddiekins?"

My smile faded quickly and I gasped, rushing back out on stage, "Don't call me that! Everybody will hear!" I burned with embarrassment and sat back at the piano having had to give in to Brian's calls.

He laughed hysterically, "I knew that would get you back in here."

I turned around and shot him a death glare. "Right. Shall we try this shit again?"

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