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Roger's P.O.V.

Every time sleep consumed me last night, I had awful dreams. Each one was different.
All of them making me feel worse.

In one, I had chosen to cheat on Deaky and had gladly fucked Becky just because she was naked and asking for it.

In another, the newspapers had printed horrible stories about the four of us and the world made our lives a misery.

And then in the last one, even though I hadn't told anyone about what had happened, Deaks somehow found out and he left me, never to come back.

All of them were dreams that could have and might come true at some point. I would never ever have sex with Becky, but the other two...are possible.

Awake now, I glanced over at him soundly sleeping next to me for the millionth time that night, frightened to wake up from one of those dreams to find him not there.

The morning sun was slowly rising and turning the black sky into a shade of indigo, it was early, peering over at the clock, it read 6:42am. There was no chance I was going to be able to fall asleep again now. But in all honesty, did I really want to? Did I really want to fall asleep again just to dream up some nasty situations?

But then again, I didn't have to be asleep to be in a nasty situation as I was in one when I was awake.

If becky really had phoned the papers to tell them all about us, they would have most certainly pushed all other stories to the side to splash us all over the front cover as if we'd fucking murdered somebody, and they would most likely be available to buy today or tomorrow.

I slowly and silently slipped out of bed, careful not to wake up John. I pulled on some clothes and finding the receipt from the restaurant last night and a pen, I wrote Deaky a quick note, in case he woke before I returned.

Deaks, popped out for some treats, won't be long, find us a good film to watch. Love you, Rog x

Taking one last look at his sleeping body, I quietly as I could went out the door, locking him in and slipping the key back under the door so he could get out if he really wanted.

If becky was already up and working she can piss off. I have no time for people like her. No that I ever allowed her time. She forced her way in. I fucking hated her.

Not even glancing in the direction of the reception once I got there I strolled right past.

"Roger?" I heard somebody call my name. A female voice. It was most likely her.

I blanked her, shaking my head as I carried on walking out of the hotel, if she even dared to follow me I would give her what for.

But luckily, as I got to the end of the street, I dared to look over my shoulder, she wasn't there.

Letting out a sigh of relief, all I needed to do now was to find a quiet shop that was actually open at this hour.

The hotel was near enough on the sea front so shops shouldn't be too far away, it was a tourist area, right?

Frustratingly enough I did come across two shops that were not yet open, I considered waiting around until they were but as it was barely 7:00am and they didn't open until 9:00am, that would have been stupid. But that's how desperate I was, to even consider it.

Stupidly, I had miscalculated just how bloody cold it was out, it was freezing and in my rush had only pulled on a jumper, I should have known, it was only mid spring and the mornings were still Baltic.

Shivering, I continued on my quest to find an open shop, there had to be one around here that was open 24 hours.

Street after street left me no treasure but finally, as if the golden gates of heaven were calling me home, there was a little 24 hour newsagents that appeared to be open.

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