Word Vomit.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

His head snapped towards me and he soon averted his eye contact away from me and looked hesitant. His face was red. He was flustered.

"Well, Charlie was grinding on me, of course-"

I cut his faffing off, he was scraping his hair back with his fingers, something his did when he was embarrassed.

"Don't fucking blame it on him." I winked at him and waltzed towards him. I offered him my bottle of vodka that was almost empty and he took it eagerly, gulping down its contents.

"Well, you asked me to get rid of him and I did. Surely I deserve a reward." I purposefully looked him up and down with an erotic fire in my eyes.

He looked so fuckable. But he was still a dickhead.

"I can't fucking believe he turned up. Here. Hundreds of miles away from home! What the fuck." He began to drink the rest of the vodka and soon the bottle was finished.

I shrugged, "He's a strange one. It was something I expected him to do. But come on, aren't you going to thank me?" I jabbed him in the ribs.

He batted me away, giggling, "Thank you, Fred. Even if it was a bit weird that you pretended we were fucking." He side glanced at me.

We didn't have to pretend.

"I knew he wouldn't like it. So, what's my reward?" I jabbed him in the ribs again from behind and he squealed.

I kept jabbing him, "Stop!" He laughed, catching my hands and pinned them by my sides, shoving me up against a wall.
He was grinning widely, "Stop it, that hurts." He laughed.

I stared at his beautiful face, "You love having me up against a wall, don't you." I smirked, not intending to say those words out loud at all.

His smile fell a little but he didn't move.

Maybe he meant it.

"You have the most stunning eyes..." Word vomit. Something that happens frequently when I'm drunk, a thought that briefly crosses my mind and somehow, without my intentions, the words spew from my mouth, therefore, word vomit.

I wanted to punch myself in the face. Scream. Cringe. That's the first time I had ever complimented Brian in a romantic way and fuck, did I pick the wrong time.

His eyes widened a little but a smile spread across his face and he giggled, "How about I buy you another bottle of vodka as a reward, I think you need it." He chuckled and let me go, heading for the bar.

I watched him momentarily as he walked away, that feeling of emptiness returning as he didn't take my compliment nor did he return it, more ignored it. Which then tugged me back to my original thinking.

Of course he didn't like me.

I followed him, wanting that little mishap to not get to me and to carry on my own little game with him. He had generously bought me another huge bottle of vodka.

"We can share it."

I shook my head, unscrewing the cap and downing some, "No way, this is mine."

Suddenly John and Roger rushed over, "Guys, let's go to another place, we've been in here for a lifetime!" Roger begged.

I glanced at Brian and shrugged.
"Lead the way, Taylor!" I pointed to the door and we left Whiplash.

Myself and Brian walked together behind Deaky and Rog who were walking hand in hand.

I had a craving to grab Brian's hand.

"Aren't they cute?" Brian smiled a little nodding towards the lovebirds in front of us.

"They're a little sickly but yeah, they're cute. They need to fuck soon though." I grinned evilly.

"They haven't done it yet?" Brian asked, hushed.

"Not as far as I know."

"What are they waiting for?!"

"Probably for Rogers balls to drop." I snickered.

Brian howled with laughter.

"What?" The blonde babe turned around.

"Nothing, darling. You carry on." I giggled.

I saw an opportunity to be cheeky, a little dark alley way was coming up so I shoved Brian into it.

"Woah, what're you doing?!" He stumbled, he was the most pissed I had ever seen him.

"Wait for me one minute." I dug into my pocket and once again brought out the cocaine, I had only been having tiny amounts so the effect wore off quickly.

"No. No, Freddie!" Brian attempted to snatch it from me.

"Calm down will you. Want some?" I offered the bag to him.

I took another tiny little bit before he could stop me.

"Fuck no!" He backed away.

"Oh go on. Spoil yourself." I winked.

He eyed the bag up, for a moment there I thought he was going to say yes! But he didn't and just shook his head cowardly.

I leaned against the damp wall and swallowed some more vodka. I was surprised I'd not thrown up yet.

"Have you ever had sex in an alley way?" It was Brian's turn to word vomit now.

Making me choke on the smoke of my cigarette that I had just lit up.

I eyes him up cautiously, he shrugged, awaiting my answer.

"Have you?" I returned the question before I answered.

"With a girl, yes." He grinned.

My jaw dropped, "Brian! And here I am thinking you were all Mr Fair-And Square...bedroom only."

"Oh, no. You obviously don't know what I like." He winked, almost making my knees buckle, I could certainly feel my cock tingling just from his words.

"I would love to know." I took a drag of my smoke.

"What's the most crazy place you've had sex?" He giggled.

I chuckled, embarrassed, "Umm...every surface ever, indoor, outdoor, in water, probably the craziest was in the toilets of a club." I glanced at him.

"I thought you'd fucked loads of people in club toilets." He looked a little let down by my answer.

I grinned, "The women's toilets."

"The women's?!" He exploded, "Lucky lady." He cackled.

"Ladies." I corrected him, somewhat bashfully.

"More than one at the same time?!" He screeched in joy.

I was a little embarrassed and nodded my head, laughing.

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