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Freddie's P.O.V.

Tinkering about in the mixing booth I could hear Roger and Brian chattering away about this film they had both recently watched.

It was nice, there was no tension in the air and nobody was arguing for a change, not that I was blaming John for all our arguing, no, not at all.

"Hey." A quiet voice popped around the door to where I was sitting.

"Hello, Roger my darling, are you alright?" I asked him as I he sat beside me as I fiddled about with some sliders, I was actually working with the mixing desk this time, unlike the last time Roger joined me and I was just in here to make it look like I was busy.

"Yeah." I glanced at him and he nodded his head, smiling. A genuine smile. He leaned forward, getting closer to me, this closeness between him and I made me remember how Roger stared at me this morning, something I had completely forgotten about till now.

"Listen..." he whispered, glancing at Brian through the mixing booth window into the main studio where Brian was strumming away.
I looked at him as he carried on whispering, "Brian's going to be leaving about we play spies and follow him? Y'know, that plan me and John was going to do for you? Don't see why you couldn't come instead of Deaky."

Me eyes immediately lit up at this suggestion and I looked at him properly now, swivelling in my seat, "Yes! Yes!" I hissed whilst nodding like an eager child.

The drummer chuckled at my reaction, "Alright, well get ready to hot foot it out of here when he leaves, we at least need to keep him in our sights!"

I nodded rather too enthusiastically once more whilst a huge grin was plastered on my face. I don't know why I was so excited, my heart was probably about to be shattered into a million pieces if we find out he's seeing someone. But it was the prospect of finally finding out why he's sneaking off that was equally as exhilarating.
Roger nodded at me as he got up and left, I turned off the mixing desk in preparation for leaving but acted as if it was still on and I was still working.

The drummer and I kept casting cheeky glances at each other from across the studio until finally Brian announced he was leaving. He pulled on his coat, "See you tomorrow guys, and try not to be late, you buggers! Love you and leave you!"

"Bye!" I called. As soon as he was out of our sight that was it.

"Go go go!" Roger called as we both raced about grabbing our coats and other belongings and locking up the studio as fast as we could, not bothering to tidy the place up, we had other priorities!

We poked our heads round the corner into the car park where we could see Brian, who was still walking to his car.

"Come on." Roger whispered as we darted between the other parked cars so that he wouldn't see us. "Quick get in!" He hissed as we had finally made it over to Rogers car as Brian was driving away.

We were both a bucket of giggles as we clumsily buckled up and Roger sped out.

"Go right! He went right!" I laughed as I pointed in the direction I saw Brian drive in.

"Be my eyes,  don't let him out of your sight!" The blonde laughed.

"Okay, but don't get too close! We don't want him to see us!" I was nervous, my hands were flapping about. I sat forward in my seat leaning against the dash of the car.
"Left left left left left!" I chanted.

Roger was in hysterics, "Fuckinghell what are we like?!"

"This is bloody fun, Rog! Who can we spy on next?!"

"John." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Well obviously, he's - oh shit! Left again! Go left!" I could hardly speak from laughing so much.

Some time passed and through nearly pissing ourselves and almost crashing through cackling too much we followed Brian discreetly down a heavily housed street, it was modern and posh looking.

"Slow down!" I hissed as I saw Bri pull up outside one of the houses, "Hang back a little until he gets out, then get closer."

Roger crept the car forward once we had witnessed Brian get out of his car and walk up a path towards a front door to one of these grand homes. He pulled up directly opposite and suddenly we were deathly quiet as we watched the tall guitarist knock on the door and wait.

It was then that I thought, maybe I didn't want to know what he was up to? If he was seeing someone, maybe I would feel better if I didn't know...I could look away and make Roger watch. But I know I would regret that. But the single thought of Brian falling in love with someone made me sick to my stomach.

"The doors opening!" Roger hissed.
I couldn't help myself, I watched the whole thing unfold in front of me.

A woman opened the door to Bri. A young woman at that. Long, curly brown hair, a perfect figure, and sparkling white that greeted Brian when she saw him. She was very attractive, even by my standards.

I could hear the muffled voices of Brian and the woman, my stomach churned as I watched them exchange cheek kisses and huge grins. Then she stepped aside, letting Brian in. Then the door closed.

I tore my eyes away and down to my fingers that were twiddling about in my lap. I felt breathless yet I had not moved, but then again I had not breathed either whilst watching that scenario.

I felt a kind of emptiness in the pit of my stomach.

My heart felt like it had dropped, as if something was trying to pull it out of my chest.

They sure seemed friendly with each other.

A cobweb of thoughts clouded my head but my mind was a mess and I couldn't focus on any of them.

Other than the fact that he had a girlfriend. And he'd been lying to me.

"Freddie?" Roger whispered once more but his tone had changed now. Not that excitable and childish one he sported just a few minutes ago, but a serious and sympathetic one. I gathered that he too had pieced something together quite similar to me after watching that.
"It might not be what it looks like." I felt his hand on my shoulder as he continued.

"What other explanation do you have?" I croaked through the growing lump that was seizing up my throat that I was desperately trying to fight.

There was a moment of silence and Roger failed to offer another ending to the story.

"I think it's what it looks like." I said quietly, "I want to go home."

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