So Proud.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

Roger let out a defeated growl as he followed me into his living room.

"Deaky! Hello darling!" I exclaimed, pulling John into a hug and sitting beside him.

By the look on Rogers face it looked like I'd stolen his seat but I beat him there and I couldn't be arsed to move.

I spied the vodka bottle on the coffee table and grabbed it eagerly, stealing Rogers tumbler as I poured some of the clear liquid into it and took a large gulp, hissing as the liquor burned my chest as I swallowed.

I glanced at Roger and then at John, they were silent and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Has...has something gone off?" I eyed them both again.

Deaky sighed, "No, not really, it's just that Roger won't tell me who he fancies." He smirked.

I looked at Roger and raised my eyebrows at him, "Oh. I know." I said smugly, leaning back and getting comfortable for a gossip session whilst receiving a death glare from Taylor.

"You do?! Oh my god, Fred, tell me!" John leaned towards me, his eyes hungry for this vital information I held.

I sniggered as Roger was slowly shaking his head at me, no longer caring if John saw him or not.

"Who have you guessed so far?" I was slowly working my way in, if Roger didn't tell him tonight, I knew he would fucking hate himself.

"Kate, Jenny, Alison, Patricia..." he listed.

"PATRICIA!" I howled in laughter, remembering the fling she and Roger had. "Wasn't she just a delight!" I giggled.

Rogers eyes were stabbing at me like daggers, "Shut the fuck up."

"I think you're barking up the wrong tree, Deaky." I said to him but looked at Roger. A wave of panic passed upon his face as he gasped a little.

"Freddie." He growled.

I wasn't going to tell John myself. That wasn't right of me. Wasn't my secret to tell, I was just helping Roger leak it. He was taking his bloody time.

"What? I don't get it, what do you mean?" John asked.

I grinned as I heard suspicion in the bassist's voice, as if he suspected something but didn't dare to say it out loud.

Roger was sat with his face in his hands, his fingers tangled tightly in his hair.

"What do you think I mean?" I sipped on my vodka.

He shook his head, stuttering, "I-I don't know..." his voice was quiet.

"Why don't you ask Mr Taylor?" I hinted.

"No. No! Don't ask Mr Taylor!" Roger suddenly burst.

I had to keep back a giggle, he was so red in the face, I knew he desperately wanted to tell John and I was just helping him get on with it, and now the perfect time had arisen he didn't want to do it. I knew what the felt like. I'd done it myself. It was terrible.

"Roger, you'll feel better if you tell him." I soothed.

"Tell me what?!" John yelled with impatience, he was almost standing up he was so on edge. "Please Rog!" He begged.

Roger's head yanked itself up from his hands and he slapped himself on the thighs, growling loudly again as his head tipped back and his eyes closed with frustration.

"I'" He forced the words out, quietly, refusing to make eye contact with anybody.

I was so, so proud of him. I felt like a proud Mother.

He exhaled loudly, finally, glancing up at me.

I nodded at him giving him a huge smile. He broke out into a grin, his eyes shining. I could tell he felt marvellous for finally telling someone other than me.

I watched him as he looked at John and suddenly his face fell, his smile disappearing completely.

I panicked, looking at John too, he was sat on the very edge of the sofa with his hands dangling as he stared blankly at the floor.

There was silence for a second or two before Roger bravely spoke up.
"J-John? Are you okay? This...this doesn't change anything, right?" He asked, seeking some kind of reassurance from his crush, one of his best friends.

Another silent pause as my vision flicked between the broken face of Roger and the emotionless face of John.

Finally John moved from his statue like state, glancing at the blonde drummer very quickly and then at me, he got up and stood there for a second, "I-I'm sorry...I've got to go..." he stammered almost inaudibly. He walked out of the room quickly.

Roger got up from his seat and so did I.

"John?!" Roger called him, walking after him.

"Deaky wait!" I shouted myself but he ignored us both, he exited Rogers house before either of us could stop him. He didn't say anything more. He just left.

Rog stood in front of the door he had just left through, staring at it.

I stood awkwardly in the hallway, my heart ached for the drummer. He had looked so, so happy to finally tell him. And now, he looked broken.
How could he do that? That was so incredibly rude of him to act that way.

A face of disgust washed over my face as I strolled up to Roger. I knew what it was like to be discriminated against and bullied for being gay. I wasn't about to let that happen to one of my best friends. I was going to protect him.

"Fuck this. I'm going after him." I said angrily as I reached for the door handle.

I felt a tug on the back of my jacket pulling me back.

I stopped and span around. I immediately softened as I put a hand over my heart, Roger looked heartbroken, tears in his eyes that he was trying so hard to fight back, I felt so sorry for him but so angry at John at the same time.

"Leave it, Freddie. He hates me..." he croaked, trying to force his voice out over the lump that had obviously formed in his throat.

"Oh, Roger!" I sympathised as I pulled him into me, giving him the tightest hug I'd ever given anyone.
"Come on darling, let me make you a cup of tea." I whispered as I dragged him over to the kitchen table and made him sit down.

Rushing over to the kettle I filled it up at the sink and popped it on, finding two mugs in the kitchen cupboards and eventually finding the tea bags and sugar. Throwing in a tea bag each and putting in a spoon of sugar for myself in one mug I glanced over at Rog waiting for the kettle to finish boiling.

His head was down on the table.

Poor mite.

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