Icy Blue Eyes.

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John's P.O.V.

I followed Brian silently to his car, eyeing him cautiously and trying to figure out how he knew. Freddie had to have told him. Or Roger.

We both climbed into his car, his head of curls touching the roof and he started up the engine.

We began to drive down the street in awkward silence until I'd had enough.

"You know then?" I asked shyly, twiddling with my fingers in my lap.

He smiled a little, "About you? Or you and Roger? Or both?"

His playful tone of voice instantly relaxed me and I looked up at him and nervously laughed, "Both?"

"Ohhhh yeah. I know." He shrugged, his smile growing.

"Did Freddie tell you?"

He shook his head, "Nope. Nobody told me, well, about you anyways. I just caught on, you and Roger have been acting weird around each other lately and with Rog telling us he was a gay I had an inkling something was going off between you two. But I asked Roger about it this morning actually, I was just being nosy really, I guess it wasn't my business but I asked if there was anything going off between you two and he said not yet...which kind of gave it away that you liked Roger...but I just want to take a little bit of credit for you two going on a date." He laughed, "I persuaded Roger to ask you!"

"You persuaded him?!" I was shocked.

He laughed loudly and nodded, "Yeah! He said he wanted to ask you out but he wasn't so sure so I just gave him that shove in the right direction."

I threw my head back onto the car seat and giggled, my face going red.

"See. Freddie's not the only matchmaker around here." He winked.

"Sorry for not telling you, Bri. I guess I just...forgot...but yes. I'm gay!" I put on a purposeful drama like voice with over the top jazz hands mocking a surprise announcement, making us both laugh.

"I'm proud of you Deaky! I really hope things work out for you and Rog. You're cute together." He shrugged.

I patted him on the arm affectionately, "That's sweet."

I looked out the window and realised we were driving across town.

"So, Brian May. The only straight member of Queen. How does that make you feel?!" I laughed.

He giggled quietly shaking his head, "Marvellous!" He said sarcastically.

"Where am I actually meeting Roger?" I asked.

"You'll see." He smiled evilly but I couldn't help notice Brian now had a little tint of sadness in his voice, but I was probably overreacting.

We drove for a good 20 minutes further before Brian slowed the car down until it stopped, I looked around, there wasn't much around except for a huge, fancy looking restaurant.

I turned back to Brian and looked at him quizzically, he raised his eyebrows looking out the window at the grande building too.

"Well, I suggested he take you to that cute little Italian place in town but no. He said he wanted to go all out and take you here. I told you you two were cute." He nudged me but I was panicking.

"How is he affording this?!"

"Well he's had to take out a loan and everything." Bri said.

My eyes widened and I gasped.

"I'm joking, I'm joking! He's been saving up I guess." He smiled.

If my heart hadn't have been beating as hard as it was it probably would've melted right there. Had Roger really been saving up his money to take me on a date here?

Bri looked at his watch, "He'll be waiting for you." His voice was more excited than mine.

"I feel sick!" I laughed at my own patheticness.

"Deaky. You'll be absolutely fine. You look great and so did Roger. After one drink you'll wave bye bye to those nerves and immerse yourself in being in his company."

I smiled at him and nodded, clearing my throat and unbuckling my seat belt, straightening my jacket and smoothing down my hair. I took a deep breath.

"I'm gonna go in." I breathed heavily, my heart pulsating heavily and quickly.

"Have a lovely time. I'll see you later." Brian winked as I got out the car, he peeped and waved as he drove off and I was left standing outside this beautiful building alone.

I could almost feel his aura radiating from inside, I was shaking, my palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry.

For fuck sake John. It's only Roger.
I tried to tell myself.

But it wasn't only Roger. It wasn't the little blonde haired, blue eyed drummer boy that I'd had a friendship with and worked with for the last multiple years.

It was Roger whom I admired greatly, who I fancied and who I wanted to kiss and make my boyfriend.

It was that Roger.

With one last deep breath I forced my legs to work and carry me inside through the double doors and into the giant, classy dining room.

I looked around, there were waiters dressed in suits carrying buckets of iced champagne to awaiting diners, there was a bar that was only occupied my high class people.

Well, I guess we were rock stars...but this was something else.

I then I saw him. Those icy blue eyes staring right back into mine. He held my stare and I automatically began to walk towards him, I could see that he was restraining a smile and his pale cheeks were blushing.

He stood up from his seat at the bar and began to walk to me.

We both smiled at the floor trying to act cool but I was seriously dying.

"Hey..." he breathed quietly, twiddling with his hair.

"Hi..." I giggled.

We held each other's stare for too long.
"Umm...d-do you wanna take a seat at the bar?"

He stuttered, motioning back to his previous seat.

"Yes, why not!"

We were both so nervous and jittery, it truly was like we had just met for the first time.

I followed him to the very sophisticated bar, he looked gorgeous in his skin tight leather jeans and his white button up shirt.

I took a seat next to him.

"Can I buy you a drink?"  He asked, smiling, sliding over a cocktail menu for me.

I stayed looking at his smile for longer than I should, delaying my answer, "Only if I can buy you one later."

He giggled, "Don't be silly, this night is on me. My treat."

He literally made me breathless.

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