Down To The Dirty.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

As the door to Johns hotel room slowly swung open, leaving us standing in the doorway awkwardly, we could see his room was pitch black, he was either not in, or asleep.

We were shifty, not quite knowing what to do.

"Go in..." Brian urged, trying to slightly push me through the door.

But I fought him off, it was about time he did some of the dirty work instead of making me get into trouble and him keeping his reputation squeaky clean.

"You fucking go in!" I hissed at him, stepping to the side, gesturing that he go first.

I don't know why we were being such pansies, after all, if John did prove to be in and asleep, it's not like he would notice us intruding, and even if he did wake up, it was still just John, the guy we've seen asleep thousands of times.

"Why me?!" Brian whisper shouted, pointing to himself.

"Why me?!" I hissed back, playing the same game.

He rolled his eyes, sighing semi dramatically, "Well...come with me." He pleaded.

I shrugged, nodding, "But you first." I pushed.

Brian crept forward and stuck his head through the doorway tentatively, I followed closely behind, stepping in his footsteps, trying to be as silent as we could.

Once we were fully inside John's room, we tiptoed over to the ajar door in which the bedroom lay behind.

"Shall I knock?" Brian whispered almost inaudible.

I shook my head violently, "If he's in there he'll shit himself if you knock, just quietly call him." I suggested, if someone came knocking on my bedroom door in the middle of the night I'd surely have a fucking heart attack.

Brian stood so that his voice was directed through the tiny open gap through the door, "John?" He hissed, we waited, for a muffled groan, the crumpling of sheets or just a simple answer.

Brian looked at me when we didn't hear anything and I shrugged at him, "Deaky? It's Bri..." Brian tried again, a little louder this time.

As if too impatient to wait for an answer, Brian began to slowly and quietly push the bedroom door open and I followed closely.

He stuck his head around the door, and then pushed the door open all the way, walking in.

Following behind I saw Brian stood at the foot of the empty bed and I flicked on the bedroom light so we could see properly.

John wasn't in bed.

"I'll check the bathroom..." Brian suggested, concern in his voice.

I walked around John's bedroom for any sign as to where he might have gone, but found nothing apart from a stale glass of water, a pack of spare bass strings and a few items of clothing thrown on the floor. I was beginning to panic a little.

"He's not in there either, he's definitely not in this room." Brian concluded, telling me what I had already figured out.

"Where the fuck is he then?" I asked, shrill and worried.

"He must have popped out somewhere, I'm sure he'll be fine, I mean, it looked like he left tonight with intent to be somewhere, I don't think we need to worry..." He walked up to me, my eyebrows were furrowed in thought.

I looked him in the eyes, "I know, I just wish he would have told us where he was buggering off to...and the fact that his room was unlocked, I don't know, Bri, something's niggling me, it doesn't feel right..." I walked around his bed again, as if checking to see if I had missed him, but he certainly wasn't here, not in bed, not in the bedroom and not in the whole of the hotel room...

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