Roger's Alibi.

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Johns's P.O.V.

I heard footsteps running after me.

"John?!" Roger yelled as he ran to catch up with me.

"Charlie?!" Another voice shouted, it was Freddie. Rage in his voice as I also heard him coming after me too.

But I didn't turn around to either of them, my focus was on getting away from the both of them and going back to the bar.

"John, please!" Roger grabbed my shoulder and span me around.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled, carrying on walking away.

"No!" Another sharp tug and I was forced to spin around to look at him.
He was out of breath, his eyes wide but his brows furrowed in frustration. "That wasn't mine! It's was Freddie's!"

I shrugged, "So? You used Freddie's lube instead of your own. What difference does it make, Roger?" I glared at him.

"Oh stop being so fucking ridiculous!" His voice cracked and he took a deep breath, "Do you think I'd really cheat on you? With him?! With anyone?!" He pointed back at Freddie who was standing behind Roger, still in only a towel as he watched the show with a dark look in his eyes and his jaw tight.

I glanced at the frontman with a venomous look and he returned the stare back at me.

"How do I know? It looked pretty realistic in there." I said smugly.

Rogers hands threw themselves at his hair and began to grip his blonde locks hard. His eyes were watery and he was shaking, with rage? Or with the anger of getting caught?

"Nothing happened! Nothing has ever happened! I was helping him unpack and the lube was in his suitcase! I have no desire to fuck him and I never will! I only have eyes for you, Deaky. You're the only one I want to fuck but you won't let me! It makes me feel like utter shit! What is it?! Is it me? Do you just not want to be with me? Because you're making it out like you hate me. So yes, I am confiding in Freddie a lot because I don't know what else to fucking do! I try to talk to you but you just get angry with me and shout at me and all I want to do is make you happy..." he finished, breathless with tears trickling down his cheeks. The second time I had made him cry today.

I stared at him in disbelief, stunned by this sudden outburst. It was obviously things he'd been bottling up for a while and this situation made him explode.

I still didn't know what to believe, deep down I knew they were not cheating, Rogers alibi sounded true and something that would likely happen, we all knew Freddie carried a bottle of lube with him everywhere and Roger had pulled it out of his case...I had walked in at that moment which made everything look like they were fucking each other.

But yes. I knew it wasn't true. But there was still a question, why the fuck would Charlie say that?

"Darlings? Let's take it to the room shall we?" Suddenly Freddie spoke, we both looked at him and he nodded to people down the hallway that had come out of their room to see what all the commotion was about.

We retreated into mine and Roger's room as that was the closest to us and shut the door behind us.

Roger sat on the bed looking weak and helpless. I stood awkwardly in the corners with my arms crossed over my chest and Freddie stood in front of the door, perhaps to stop either of us running out.

"Y-you do make me happy...Rog." I cowardly whispered.

He scoffed, "Clearly. So happy that you won't get intimate with me. So happy that you think I'm fucking Freddie behind your back. So happy that it gives you an excuse to listen to Charlie. Of all people." He shook his head at me, disappointed.

"You should know better than to listen to him, John. You know what he's like." Fred spoke up, his tone flat and cold.

"I-I know. made me think and then I became obsessed with the thought and...why would he say it?" I muttered, nervously. Knowing that I was the one that was in the wrong now.

"Why would he say it?!" Freddie hissed, angrily. Stepping towards me as he continued to rage, "He says shit like that to ruin people's lives, John. I've been a first hand receiver of his bullshit and now, just because he can't have his precious little Brian he wants to go around fiddling and ending everyone else's relationship for them. Even people who he wasn't even fully associated  with. Like you. Like Roger. If he can't have Brian, nobody can have anyone. You know it's not true. Get it out of your fucking head. I am not fucking your boyfriend." He was in my face now, I'd never been told off by Fred like that before and it was like being shouted at by a teacher...but he meant it and I could hear the truth. He sounded betrayed and actually rather upset.

Charlie was a prick. I knew that before he pulled me away from Roger after Freddie had stolen Brian from him last night and he whispered the disgusting sentence in my ear whilst pointing at my boyfriend and Fred.

"Okay...alright. I'm sorry! I'm sorry...I knew not to believe him but it just never left my head. I know you're not fucking. It just looked suspicious. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Roger." I swallowed the lump in my throat down.

I'd fucked up majorly.

"Excuse me. What about my apology? Everyone seems to have it in their head that I'm some kind of boyfriend stealer. Thanks a lot guys." Freddie sulked, a tiny ounce of playfulness in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Fred. I know you wouldn't do that to me." I gave him a weak smile and he winked at me.

"Right. I'm going to go get dressed and leave you two alone for a while. Deaky, I'd like to talk to you later if that's possible? Meet you in the bar at 8."
I nodded at him and he left.

Roger was still sat on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands.

I tentatively walked over and knelt in front of him, I squeezed his knees gently and he lifted his head up.
His eyes red and teary.

My heart wrenched. How could I do this to him? I would never forgive myself.

I lunged forward and threw my arms around his neck, cuddling him like no tomorrow. He lifted his arms and placed them around my waist and he buried his face into the crook of my neck and silently weeped.

I pulled back after what felt like a long time and kissed his tear soaked lips hard, cupping his face in my hands, I pulled back, a tiny smile on his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have listened him." I croaked.

"I wouldn't ever do something like that to you. Sex means nothing to me, John. As long as I have you I don't fucking care. I fought for so long just to get you, why would I do something like that just to loose you? I would never. I couldn't..." He had gripped my shirt and was holding it tight.

There was a long pause of just staring into each other's eyes until he found the energy to speak again.

"Hey." He lifted my chin so I was looking deeply into his ocean eyes, "I couldn't do anything like that because...I love you..."

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