Not Like This.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I backed away a little, "What for?" I asked him, panicking.

He chuckled and looked down at the table before throwing his hand at me to take and smiling at me mischievously, "I just want you to come with me."

"But...but we'll loose our table." I excused.

He shrugged, "It doesn't matter. We can go somewhere else after!"

I was about to stubbornly say no until he lunged forward and grabbed my unwilling hand anyway. I quickly downed the last remaining drops of my vodka before I was dragged away and towards the toilets.

I hoped he was just going to make me wait for him whilst he had a piss.

He flirtatiousness worried me.

I tried to drag my hand away from out of his but he kept a firm hold of me until we got into the toilets.

I internally cursed when we entered and nobody else was in, if he was intending to try anything on with me he had nothing in his way now. I wished there was someone in here so he wouldn't...and I wished someone else would come in now that we were in here alone.

I watched as he entered a cubicle, only to turn around and pose dramatically in its doorway which honestly did make me laugh at him but it was those bedroom eyes of his that stared at me with such intent that made me feel uneasy.

"Go on. I'll wait here." I pushed.

He shook his head slowly whilst his eyes travelled from my feet all the way up to the top of my head, he was pulling an unintentional sexy face as if to say come here and fuck me.

And...if the circumstances were not as fucked up as they were right now...I would have done just that.

Again, everything he did just made me tingle with want and need but I had to keep control of myself.

"Come in with me." He bit his lip and swayed about clumsily.

My heart surged and I could hear the heart beat of my own echoing in my ears.

Don't test me, Brian. Good lord, do not test me.

"Don't be silly."

"I'm not being silly...please, Freddiekins."

I cringed at that name, "Certainly not now you've called me that."

He scoffed, "No wonder you've been single for so long. As soon as somebody shows affection towards you, you run off." He hiccuped.

I stared at him. That stung.
"No I don't..." I glared at him.

Affection was all that I ever wanted, why the hell would I run away from it? And if Brian thought that coaxing me into a toilet cubicle with him was affectionate...he had a lot to learn.

He nodded with his tongue in his cheek, "Charlie tried it on with you and you refused. You wouldn't let Rory kiss you and now you're rejecting me. I thought you'd wanted this for years..." he was venomous, not in a nasty way but in a way he knew that would wrap me around his little finger.

"I wanted to wait with Charlie, to do things properly until I found out the truth. Rory was just down right scary and well you...I have wanted you for years Brian. Romantically. Not like this." I'd already said too much and attempted to walk out of the toilets before he dashed after me and dragged me back in. I was loosing patience with him.

"You've already had me like this. In you can't say that." He licked his lips and stepped towards me slowly, backing me up until the wall was right behind me.

He kept coming closer until I had to look up at him to still see into his crazed eyes.

"I can say that..." I whispered.

I gulped hard when he pressed his pelvis into mine, I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the feeling of his erection pressing against my thigh and my own dick beginning to harden even though I didn't want it to. "Brian..." I begged, trying to push him back but he only leant his body weight forward, making it impossible for me to shift him what with him pinning me up against the wall. "Move." I said sternly.

"You know you want to..." he giggled. Playing with the neck of my top.

"I don't."

"You're lying! You've wanted to for years, you said so yourself." His playful hand moved its way down the random design of my T-shirt as he began to trace around the edge of it. He was producing goosebumps on my skin and shivers through my body. My cock was regretfully hardening.

"Not like this. Please get off." I whimpered, batting his hand away but he only disobeyed and his explorative fingers went lower.

They brushed across the waist band of my jeans and over the button.
I tried to move my hips away but he only seemed to appreciate that movement.

I grabbed his hands once again, "Stop." I ordered.

But he just snickered and began to trace patterns over the top parts of my thighs that weren't covered by his body.

I tried to wriggle free and repetitively shove his hands away but he had such a grip on me.

"I've been thinking about it a lot. How we fucked in Scotland. I can't remember it happening, Freddie. I want to know what it was like. I want to know..." he'd popped open the button on my jeans.

I grabbed his fingers tightly, gritting my teeth.

"Show me what it was like..." he muttered, still fighting me to get to my fly.



"Brian! Stop..." I tried to fasten my button back up.

"I want you to-"

"FUCKING STOP!" I yelled, seething, shaking with anger and also a little fright.

His hands immediately dropped by his sides.

I stared into his eyes.

I knew the truth would have to surface at some point.

"We didn't have sex. I lied. It never happened." I said, clearly, although my voice was shaking.

There was silence, he stared down at me with his mouth hanging slightly open, he looked distraught.

He staggered back...until he ran out of the toilets, leaving me in there alone.

My head fell into my hands...fuck.

I was the worst person in the world.

Brian actually wanted me...and now I'd ruined all of my chances. Ever.

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep living this lie. But I wanted to play him at his own game...but I took the rules too far...but I was slowly realising that the night he told me he liked me...he was telling the truth. And I refused to believe him because we'd been horrible to each other for so long and then he refused it because he was embarrassed.

But at that moment I just thought he was being dickhead, out to purposefully hurt my feelings. So I hurt his too.

I gasped suddenly, I was here drowning in my own regret and Brian had stormed out...probably to go home. He had his car outside...and he was incredibly drunk.

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