Lonely Singer.

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Brians's P.O.V.

Scott. His name was Scott.
Quite ironic seeing as though he was from Scotland.

He was cute. Very attractive but I didn't want to strike up anything serious with him. I just wanted to use him for my plan. Fool around a little.

He was willing. I had him wrapped around my little finger.

I'd been chatting away with him for a while just sat at the bar, fuelling ourselves rapidly with never ending drinks, I for one was paralytic. So was he.

The other three had also remained hovering about the bar area, as soon as they strayed their cups were empty again so only returned a few minutes later anyways.

I kept my eye on Freddie, he was lurking, chatting people up and dancing with them but he didn't really seem interested. Only when he glanced over at me.

And when he did, I tore my eyes away from him and focused on Scott.

Soon, he'd had enough.

"Whose your friend, Bri?" He sang, leaning his head on my shoulder as if trying to claim me as his own property.

I shrugged him off immediately and scooted closer to Scott.

"This is Scott." I replied, placing a daring hand on Scotts thigh as I spoke to Freddie.

Freddie's eyes glanced down at my hand and then back up, he nodded once, "Nice to meet you." He mumbled, walking away.

I chuckled to myself. It was working.

I continued talk with Scott, secretly watching as Freddie went over and started saying something serious to Roger and John.

All three glanced back at me and then I decided to take it a step further.

"Let's dance!" I yelled to Scott, taking his hand and dragging him to the outskirts of the dance floor so that we would still be well in Fred's vision.

Scott immediately wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed his arse onto my crotch, starting to grind on me. It felt good but I didn't want to advance this. Unless...unless it would take that.

I was drunk enough to not care about dancing, I'd let loose and was enjoying myself.

I looked over to the bar, I couldn't see Roger, nor could I see John. But I saw Freddie...sitting alone at the bar, looking kind of deflated.

He glanced in my direction, his brown, sparkling, puppy dog eyes connected with mine.

My heart wrenched for him. What was I doing? I didn't really want to hurt him, I didn't really want to play with him like this. I already knew he was damaged from my previous actions.

But even though I wanted to run over there and bundle him in my arms, run off with him back to our hotel room and fall asleep cuddling him...my conscience didn't agree with me.

So much so that it made me seductively lick my lips and wink at the lonely singer whilst I still danced erotically with Scott.

I watched Fred's eyebrows furrow a little and then he looked away.

I wanted to carry on my plan, I wanted to get even more drunk. I wanted it to look like I was going to hook up with Freddie. I wanted to get his hopes up and then leave him lonely.

But I didn't know if I could. I didn't know if I could rip myself away from him and leave him bleeding again.
Because I too wanted to be with him so desperately. But I was the only one seeing sense. I was the only to know that we just wouldn't work out.

I pushed those thoughts from my head and focused on Scott, he'd turned around and was facing me again.

"Another drink?" I offered.

He nodded and we went back the bar, I stood next to Freddie.

"Where are the other two?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Out back." He replied.

Another heart wrench. Couldn't I just ditch Scott and spend my time with Fred? No matter how much I despised him for breaking my speaker or how much I needed to keep putting myself off of him...my yearn for him just continued to grow stronger.

We couldn't I just not give a shit? Why couldn't I just hook up with him for real?

It wouldn't work. It would just end up in heartbreak again.

"Drink?" I asked him.

He seemed to perk up a little, "Sure, I'll have a champagne." He smiled a little.

I bought him a champagne and myself and Scott another beer.

Eventually Roger and John came back.

"Where the hell have you been?" Fred asked them.

They both had flushed cheeks and giddy smiles.

"Out back!" Roger giggled.

Fred stood up, dragging Roger into a corner where they turned their backs to us for a few seconds before returning.

I wanted to start my plan with Fred. I wanted to get rid of Scott. But not yet. Just one more advancement.

"Let's dance, come on!" I yelled to all of them and they all actually followed.

Scott pushed in front of Fred to get to me first, Roger and Deaky danced beside me and Scott... Fred just lurked awkwardly on his own.

Suddenly I felt fingers beneath my chin and Scott was pulling my face down towards his.

One cheeky kiss wouldn't hurt, right?

I let him plant his lips on mine, he was a shit kisser but that wasn't the point. I stared at Freddie, mentally begging him to turn around and see us kissing, just to make him break a little on the inside.

He was laughing with some total stranger and eventually, he did spin back around, his eyes immediately found mine and his smile instantly disappearing when he saw Scotts lips on mine.

He eyes tore themselves away and then he was gone. Rushing from the dancefloor and out of sight.

So I set off after him, calling at the bar to pick up another beer for myself and another champagne for Fred once I had found him. I needed to butter him up. My plan had worked perfectly. Now I could play with my little Fredster.

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