Flutter Of The Fingertips.

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John's P.O.V.

I froze. Roger tried to persuade me to carry on. To walk away. Pretend I'd not heard her shout that at us. But I wasn't going to walk away and let her think she's won.

I span slowly on my heel until I was facing that smug little face of Becky's.
She was stood there, hand on a hip leaning against the desk. Probably the one that she had been bent over for Roger.

I made eye contact with her, "Say that again?" I responded very calmly.

She snickered, "Oi...faggots." She spat.

That was the first time we had been called something in public by a stranger. But this wasn't any kind of disrespectful outburst. Not in the slightest. This...this was nothing but jealousy. She'd not got what she wanted and had now resorted to none other than being a spoilt brat.

It had hurt my feelings but not as much as it would have done if a complete random person in the street had shouted it. She had her reasons. Poor girl.

Her arrogance was petty and it only made me angrier, but instead of verbally lashing out at her, I smiled, started to laugh and began to saunter towards her.

"John. No..." Roger hissed, trying to pull me back but I shook him off.

"What's the matter, Becky? Don't you like the idea of two men being together? Or is it you don't like the idea of me being with him, instead of you? Hmm?" I asked quite smugly, still smiling at her.

Her smile had now vanished and she was looking at me with daggers in her eyes.

"Can't you get over the fact that Roger chose your friend over you?" I paused, sweeping a strand of her hair out of her face and pretended to then wipe my fingers on my jeans, "To be honest...I think I'd choose to fuck your friend over you, too." I shrugged, giggling a little.

Her eyes had turned into slants and she was absolutely seething, I thought for a second she was going to hit me.

"Deaky! Please..." Roger continued to beg. I ignored him.

"You bastard." She hissed through gritted teeth, her hands clenched into fists by her sides.

I nodded a little, "Perhaps. But the truth hurts, doesn't it."
I could hear her heavy breathing but dared to step closer to her, lowering my voice, "And here's the truth. Roger is my boyfriend, I'm the one fucking him senseless every night, okay? Begging for sex off him will not work. He's faithful to me. You're jealous. Get over that he didn't have sex with you. You need fucking therapy." This time when Roger grabbed my hand and yanked me away, I let him. I had a lot more to say to her but for now, I think I had successfully delivered the message giving her stone cold and evil facial expression she was giving me.

"Oh. And for making our stay here utterly awful, we'll be leaving in the morning without paying. Thank you very much!" I cackled when Rog pulled me into the lift with him.

I leaned against the back of the lift, a proud grin on my face, I had been dreading the day when we got hollered at, but now I felt like I could face anything.

I felt so accomplished that I never realised that Roger hadn't said a word to me whilst making our way back to our room, I was too busy replaying the picture that was Becky's face in my head.

"What the fuck was that?" Roger suddenly asked once we had closed our room door behind us.

His tone of voice surprised me but when I finally looked at him, he had a shocked smile on his face as he walked towards me.

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