Nothing Is Forever.

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(Hi guys...I tried to upload this part last night but Wattpad wasn't working for me at all and it looks like it uploaded eventually but it wasn't uploaded I'm uploading it again. Apologies if you've already read this part <3)

Freddie's P.O.V.

Brian drove us into town and we settled on a pub that we had never ventured in to before.

Dusk was falling and the already tipsy party goers were emerging already, filtering into the pub we had chosen and making it in to some kind of mini club.

There was loud music and disco lights, the music was different from the main clubs in town, more aimed at the older generation but that didn't stop teens and other youngsters coming to enjoy themselves.

Although, I would actually rather it be quiet so that myself and Brian could enjoy each other's company more.

He looked dashing. In laid back clothes, nothing fancy, just a hooded jumper and loose jeans. It was my favourite look on him. He looked wonderful in anything, but a relaxed Brian really did it for me.

He was so relaxed he even had stubble over his unshaven face creating a masculine shadow that I really appreciated. He made me tingle all over. But his innocent, all good face with those hazel eyes that seemed to look at me more often lately just made me feel so terribly guilty.

I had made a huge mistake and was petrified of telling him. I didn't want us to drift apart again. Start arguing all the time and for him to hate me again because I was enjoying the lovely atmosphere and connection we had lately. I knew if I told him, things would go back to how they were and maybe be even worse.

So I wasn't...couldn't...allow myself to bask in the glory of myself and Bri really getting along because I knew at some point, I would have to tell him, whether it be the guilt getting the better of me or something else, the truth was bound to come at some point and ruin everything. So I wouldn't allow myself to think that this is how it's going to be forever. Because nothing is forever.

Standing at the bar I hadn't even realised the Brian had ordered drinks until a large glass of vodka was slid in front of me.

"You're not paying for anything tonight. Not after buying me that speaker." He grinned, winking at me.

I hid my smile, his words and tone of voice really made me feel fuzzy inside, it was unfortunately making me create excruciating scenarios in my head, picturing how this would be if we were dating.

Which of course, if I ever did have the chance with him...I'd blown it.

"Oh, thank you, dear." I giggled, taking a sip.

He walked behind me and laid a hand on the small of my back, persuading me to walk, he guided me to an empty table in the corner of the pub.

My cheeks flushed, every little bit of bodily contact that I had with him, which was not much...made me almost faint.

"So, I wonder when Deaky is going to take Roger to meet his parents." Bri cringed.

I had told Brian the situation between those two, he knew to keep it quiet but believe it or not, I am not the all knowing one when it comes to other people's relationships. I also need advice and a second opinion.

Besides, Bri had heard the commotion that went off in the hallway when those two were arguing and had mentioned that he'd spoken to Deaky briefly and noticed he seemed rather angry.

He agreed with everything that I had said to John but like me, wasn't so sure on his decision to take Roger to his parents house without warning him first.

In Brian's words they could 'shove a stick up his arse and roast him on a spit like a pig.'

"I dread to think..." I muttered, also cringing.

"Maybe we should go with them when they decide...for back up."

I hesitated, "That could make things worse...y'know...with us all liking men. They'll be drowning in the campness." I giggled.

"Speak for yourself." He smirked.

I took a sip of my vodka, "Darling, you can be as camp as I, sometimes."

For some strange reason, Brian and me had sort of swapped roles. He had all ambitions of getting absolutely wankered and I, for some reason, highly uncharacteristically, wasn't that fussed about getting drunk at all tonight so kept things steady.

I'd had no more than two vodkas to Brian's six beers and he was already past tipsy, already slightly flirty and we'd only been here a bloody hour.

"Have they had sex yet?" He slurred, a sultry look in his eyes as he naughtily smiled.

Sexy fucker.

I shook my head, giggling.

"For fucks sake. They need to get a move on. Even we've had sex."

I nearly choked on my fucking vodka.

I stared at him in disbelief and utter shock.

Never did I think he would bring it up again. I hadn't even brought it up since he said he never wanted to talk about it again.

My heart thudded as he held my stare.
"Mmm..." I murmured, ignoring his comment to the best of my ability but I was getting hot and bothered.

"Hey." I looked up at him reluctantly, his eyes had a crazed and wanting look in them which scared me a little.

"What...?" I whispered.

He bit his lip, he was so fucking drunk now, it had all caught up with him at once, "Let's go to the toilet..."

((A/N hey babes. I just want to apologise for the lack of updates this week. I've been so bloody busy with work and I've also got some health issues which is is SHIT...I shouldn't really use that as an excuse though... I'm sorry the last few parts have been kinda slow and shitty and that this one is a bit shorter, I just really wanted to update with something. I'm so sorry. And thank you soooooo much for rock <3))

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