Its Time To Man Up.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

The next morning I was angry at myself. I knew Deaky was right. I should have said yes. But the damage is done now and I didn't give him an answer. John's rather aggressive pep talk had given me new determination to tell him or give him the answer if he asked again.

That's if he did ask again...and if it ever came back up in conversation...

Brian seemed to be desperate to find out who I fancied though, more so than usual. Whether that was the alcohol talking for him or he was being genuinely nosy and he really wanted to find out.

Problem is, I didn't know how to initiate the conversation again without asking him who he liked. And that was something I really didn't want to talk about. At all. Ever.

"Morning, blondie." I grinned as I entered the kitchen and saw the little drummer boy eating cereal.

"Morning, Fred." He returned my grin whilst still eating a mouthful.

"Well. Haven't you got a certain glow about you this morning." I jabbed him in the ribs as I passed to flick on the kettle. He squealed a little, "Last night still on your mind?" I hinted.

He smiled into his bowl, "Could say that."

"It was good then?" I asked, even though John had told me everything already, I liked to hear it from Roger too.

He sighed dramatically, "It was wonderful. I'm officially obsessed with him."

"You soppy cunt. You're going out tonight aren't you?" I jabbed him again as I pulled out a slice of bread and popped it in the toaster.

"He told you?"

"Yes. He told me when I was talking to him when you got in."

"Ahh right. Yeah we're going out tonight. Bit of drama going off between you and the big lad isn't there?" He cocked his head in a teasing manner.

"He told you?" I sighed, not wanting to think about it.

"You bet he did. You're an idiot." He poked my forehead. "That was your chance." He stated.

I groaned, "God, don't you start, too."

He ignored my complaint and carried on regardless, "You could have said yes and you could have been one step ahead, you could be trying to find out now if he likes guys. But no. You're still at the same bloody stage as you were 5 months ago. More. You're still moping about because he doesn't know that you like him. And that's your fault. Because you won't tell him." His blonde hair bobbed about as he gave me my lecture.

"Well I'm sorry that my situation with Brian isn't going as smoothly as yours is with John. I'm just not as lucky as you two." I said, with slight bitterness in my voice.

"You are a huge part of why Deaky and I are where we are now. But we've had to work it out between ourselves too. You told us to grow some balls and we did. Now it's your turn to work it out with's your turn to grow some bollocks."

I looked down twiddling my fingers feeling like I was getting a lecture from my own mother. But everything Roger was saying was the truth. I had to suck it up and be a man. Stop wanting Brian to be bloody psychic and figure out that I'm head over heels for him and then getting pissed off at him because he's not...

I gave in, knowing that I had been a total fucking idiot, "Well what do I do now then? How do I act when he gets up?" I lowered my voice, I knew things would be terribly awkward if Brian remembers those last words he uttered to me.

"You talk about it properly. Like adults. Sober." He pointed at me seriously, directing that last word at me in particular.

"He doesn't give anything away sober..." I cowered.

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