Strangers Hands.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I stormed down the dark and cold street, too angry to cry. Not like I was going to anyway. More like I wanted to smash my best vase over the little sluts head and laugh whilst he bleeds.

I never knew what to believe anymore. Was he telling the truth or not? Charlie obviously meant something to Brian for him to go running back to him.

What if after all this time Charlie was the honest one and Brian was the liar?

I wasn't going to go home, I felt old habits creeping up on me already. I wanted to go to The Mill and get wankered.

And I was going to hook up with somebody tonight. I didn't care anymore. Brian didn't want me. What the fuck was I waiting for? A zombie apocalypse that's never going to happen, apparently. So why wait? It's been months since I had sex. Months. That's unheard of for most people let alone me who could fuck multiple people in one night without getting tired. But I was tired. Of waiting for something that wasn't ever going to happen. The truth had finally dawned on me now. I'd finally realised that I should give up on him.

"Freddie?! Fred, wait!" I heard a distant shout and faint footsteps that gradually got louder the closer they got.

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to turn around, quickening my pace I didn't want to face the man that never wanted me in the first place.


I ignored him.

Until he caught up with me and power walked by my side. I didn't look at him, merely pretended he wasn't there.

"I'm sorry. I really am sorry." He pleaded.

I almost glanced at him and softened at that apology. Maybe that was the second ever time he'd said sorry to me. But I kept my vision sternly on the path ahead of me.

"Listen to me! He's a fucking liar! I've never said anything like that to him about you. I've always stood up for you whenever he said a bad word about you. I promise. You probably think I'm talking out of my arse but it's true. He's just jealous!" He babbled desperately.

I scoffed and kept walking.

"For fuck sake..." he whispered under his breath.

I took a sudden turning, our house was on the way back to The Mill and on the way up I could see John's car parked outside, Roger must still be out looking for Brian. I burst through the door and walked straight to the living room to find John on the phone looking worried.

"Found him." I said flatly.

Brian scuttled by my side.

"Oh my god, Brian. What the fuck where you thinking?!" He glanced at me, "Where did he go?"

"Ask him yourself." I said, coldly, before turning and leaving again.

"Freddie where are you going?" John called after me.


"I'll go with him." Brian said quietly but I still heard.

I ventured back out on the street, feeling like I was being followed by a fucking sheep, feeling a little guilty for leaving Deaky without an explanation.

"Can we just talk about this?!" He grabbed my arm and tried to make me stop but I pulled myself away and carried on.
"If we didn't have sex that night then why the fuck did I wake up next to you completely naked?" He had stopped and was stood watching me.

This question was the only thing that made me stop. I didn't face him. I could hear the pain in his voice. Maybe he wasn't the liar? But I didn't know anymore.

I stayed standing with my back to him, "You threw up all over yourself. Your boxers were covered in sick, I couldn't let you get back into bed like that I took them off. I didn't look at anything, I put a towel around your waist first. I-I cleaned you up but you were so tired you fell asleep before you could put anymore underwear on and just threw the towel to the side..."
I turned slowly to face him but still didn't look at him. "Before we fell asleep you told me you wanted to do something. You somehow remembered I told you I had written a song, one that could be used on the new album. You said you wanted me to sing it for you. And I did. But you can't remember that either, can you." I finally glanced at him, anger was being replaced by sadness and emptiness. A moment that I thought so pure and almost...romantic, didn't even exist to him.

I began walking away again.

He'd fallen silent but I could hear him following me still. But he kept back.

I made it to The Mill with Brian following me inside, the earlier feeling of not really wanting to get drunk was gone now and that was my second ambition, the first one was finding an easy target to fuck.

I got a bottle of vodka from the bar, a bottle lasted longer and meant less trips to the bar and more time scouring the place for a cock I wanted.

I lingered at the bar, people watching. Brian stood next to me but I acted as if I didn't know the guy. With my cheeks sucked in and my eyes focused on a man that was glancing at me...I strutted over.

To my surprise, Brian did not follow but I could feel his stare on me at all times.

The other man seemed to have been isolated from his friends or he could have just been here alone, he wasn't my type but I didn't give a fuck, I needed release so badly I would've fucked anything.

"You should relax a little darling, here, take some." I circled him, pressing the rim of the bottle to his surprised lips as I stared seductively at him.

I was out of practice but it was all coming back to me.

I let him take the bottle in his hands.

"How bigs your thing?" I forwardly asked, licking my lips.

I was expecting a shocked reaction but he slowly took the vodka bottle away from his mouth and raised his eyebrows slowly, he smirked, shoving the bottle back into my grasp and lifting his hands up, showing me a measurement.

A tingle ran down my spine and with every second I just wanted it more and more.

I grabbed one of the strangers hands, "You should come with me." I winked, dragging him towards the toilets.

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