Cold Sea Air.

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Roger's P.O.V.

"Yes. Yes of course, where are you?" I rushed, getting worried at his weak tone of voice.

"Umm...j-just outside a cafe. Sunny's, I think it's called..." his voice shook.

"Stay there. I'm coming. Please stay there." I begged.

"Okay..." He whispered, and then he hung up.

I put the phone down, peering at Brian who had been standing in the doorway looking equally as worried as I.

"What's wrong? Where is he?" He asked.

"Near Brighton. He wants me to meet him." I started towards the stairs.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He offered.

"No. Thanks's probably best if I go alone." I faked a smile and ran up the stairs, throwing on some clothes and packing up a bag, fresh clothes for both me and John. And our toothbrushes.

If he was already near Brighton...then we might as well stay out there for a few days.

I had to physically shake my head to rid it of the thoughts of not getting to ask Freddie about the date but for crying out loud...I can ask him when we get back.

I sprinted back downstairs where I hurriedly put on some shoes and grabbed my car keys.

"What's the bag for?" Brian asked, suspiciously.

"We have some shit to sort out, Brian. I'm going to take him away for a few days, okay? I just..." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair, "I've fucked up. See you soon." I opened the door and he rushed over to me but I escaped down the garden path before he could grab me.

"Roger. At least phone when you find him. Tell us where you're staying...and when you're coming back." He gave me somewhat of a parental glance and I nodded at him.

"I will." I opened the car door and slammed it shut, speeding off down the road.

On one hand I felt guilty for rushing out like this, for leaving them. I don't know how long we'll be in Brighton for but we probably won't be back before Monday...they'll be able to work on something in the studio without us. I know we're needed for Somebody To Love but it will have to wait a few days.

Anyway, giving those two time alone together could be beneficial. And perhaps not if Fred is wanting to do things properly...

But this was important. As much as I loved living with all of the boys, myself and John didn't actually get much time alone together. We sort of got suffocated and I could tell it was taking its toll. Everyone's business was literally everyone else's business...nothing could be kept secret and nothing was confidential.

I think a little privacy was what we needed for us. It's not like things had been rocky, it had been going perfectly...well, so I thought.

After 45 minutes or so I finally found the cafe that John said he was in, a pokey, old place that looked a bit dodgy, it's sign hanging off partially.

I left the travel bag in the car.

Pushing open the heavy old door I stepped in and glanced around, it appeared to be empty, until right at the back, hidden in the corner was a stooped over Deaky.

I gasped, rushing over to him, "Deaks...?" I whispered.

His head turned and he looked up at me with hazy eyes.

He stood up and I stepped towards him cautiously.

He smiled a little smile at me before reaching out and throwing his arms around me, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

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