You Drunk Bastard.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

"Oh?" I tried to sound interested. Truthfully I couldn't stand to know. I didn't want to know. I couldn't know. I only wanted to know if it was me. And fat chance of that. My heart already ached at his answer.

"Yep." He smiled, taking a swig of his beer, "Are you not going to ask me who it is?" He coaxed.

I almost felt like he wanted me to know so that it would break my heart in two.
"It's not my business..." I said in almost a whisper. The single thought of Brian going after somebody else made me want to shed a tear, made me feel even further away from him.

"There's something wrong with you." He looked at me through slanted eyes.

I glanced at him quickly, "What do you mean?"

"You usually jump at the chance of telling us who it is you're trying to get and you usually bloody torture us to tell you who it is we have our eyes on...but now you're saying it's none of your business and you won't tell me who you like?"

I was staring at the floor, feeling angry that he wouldn't shut up about it because no doubt I'm just making it obvious that there is something wrong with me but then again I couldn't show that I was getting irritated because he was right, I usually did this to all the boys and shit, if my interrogations make them feel like I'm feeling right now I would never do it again.

I rose from the settee and went back into the kitchen, bringing out a bottle of beer each, I placed them on the table in front of the settee and cracked one open, "I said I'd tell you after a few more drinks." I faked a smile and tried to swallow down the lump in my throat with the beer.

My happiness to be alone with Brian had taken a nosedive and now all I wanted was for Rog and Deaky to come home...

We had been sucked into a rather rubbish film that was being shown on the TV and I had somehow turned into Brian's personal barman. Which, craftily, I didn't mind as it allowed me to start using my plan on him.

I strode back into the kitchen to get us another bottle each, I took off the tops from the bottles in the kitchen, I cheekily drank some from Brian's bottle and topped it back up with vodka. I wanted to get him drunk... try to get some information out about him...but the last thing I wanted was to find out who he fancied because, if I knew them, I'd automatically resent them. I'd purposefully been drinking less than Bri tonight so I could ask him questions that had been on my mind for weeks.

"Cheers, Fred." He slurred taking the bottle from my hand.

"Are you drunk already?" I giggled, already knowing the answer, I'd fed him about 4 bottles of beer and 8 shots of vodka...of course he was drunk.

Be rubbed his eyes and looked at me through his spinning vision, he shook his head slowly. "I can have more..." he slurred again, cackling to himself.

And more you shall have Bri.

I hadn't been paying attention to this shit film on telly, more my eyes had been on Mr May. I'd calmed down about him liking somebody, just as long as I didn't know who it was I'd be okay with it. But I still couldn't take my eyes off him.

His longer than life legs, he towered over me but I bet I could still dominate him. His skinny, toned torso that I desperately wanted to run my fingers down. Those fucking fingers that drove me insane, fuck, play me like your guitar. I dare you.

That head of hair that I wanted, needed to grasp in my hands, those beautiful hazel eyes and those lips...I wonder how long ago those lips had been kissed...I wanted to break my no kissing rule with him.

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