Staring Competition.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

He smiled bashfully, "More like when am I taking you. I'm waiting until that bloody thing can be walked on again." He winked at me and stood up, grabbing an acoustic guitar from a stand and sitting back down.

"I'll be up and about in the next week, darling. You mark my words." I grinned, my heart accelerating ever so slightly. Part of me expected him to wave off my remark and giggle in response but no...he actually spoke about our potential date with eagerness.

"It's a good job I already know where I want us to go then, isn't it." He smirked at me.

My heart skipped a beat, he'd already made a decision on a place?

"In fact...we're already booked in." He glanced up at me briefly.

I swallowed hard...I mean, I knew that the date was happening but it wasn't really set in stone. But to find out he's already booked somewhere made it feel all the more real...I was all giddy and shit.

Fuck. I was actually going on a date with Brian.

"R-really? Where? When...?" I questioned, in awe.

"I'm not telling you where. It's a surprise. Friday." I saw a blush creep over his cheeks.

"Next Friday?! I better get a move on with trying to walk without crutches then, haven't I..." I grinned, shyly.

Next Friday? That was just over a week away, in the mean time I had three more hospital appointments...I was determined to walk properly by then.

Peering outside the sun was just beginning to rise, I looked over at the clock and it read 5:36am.

"Doesn't seem like I've been here two minutes..." I muttered, quite shocked that it was getting light.

"You must have been busy." He smiled, strumming away.

I stared at him, he could probably feel my stare on him but he was so used to it by now he didn't let it bother him anymore. I couldn't help it. He made me question myself. I was always so fucking adamant that I would never change for anybody. That if somebody wanted to claim me, they would take me for who I really am. But here I sit, having changed myself completely for this guitarist fool. But I was thankful for him. Not had it only paid off...but I was a better person. I was no longer having emotionless sex with strangers just to prove to myself that I could make people fall to their knees for me. Literally. I had been known to be somewhat of dirty kink.

Something...if things turned out successful between me and Brian...I couldn't imagine me using much. He didn't seem like the type to succumb to orders but...I never know.

"'re staring again." His voice penetrated my imagination.

He no longer said that sentence with an irritable tone, more a humorous one that was paired with a cheeky glint in his eyes.

"Sorry...I can't help it..." I whispered, quite literally breathless. My response too, had changed. I no longer tore my eyes away in embarrassment and refused to acknowledge that I had indeed been staring at him...more, agreed that I was and carried on.

I found myself getting a little hot as he began to return my stare...we were now locked in some kind of staring competition but not one that either of us wanted to win or loose. One where both of us were quite content with having our eyes locked together for the rest of time.

"Is it me...or is there some kind of...atmosphere between us right now...?" Brian breathed, quietly, his eyes never budged.

Swallowing hard, I replied, "I think I'd call it...chemistry..."

What I really wanted to say was I think I'd call it sexual tension.

I couldn't take it anymore, I got up and rushed out to the toilets, slamming the door locked to one of the cubicles and leaned against one of the walls with my face in my hands.

He was fucking too much for me. I was in a vulnerable state. I had not slept all night and my emotions were in turmoil. I didn't know if what I was feeling was lust or complete adoration.

He made my heart beat too fast and he made me feel light headed. All this and he'd never even laid a finger on me. I had to restrain myself there from lunging forward and finally getting that second kiss I had been craving for weeks now. Although he had kissed me that night, I wasn't satisfied, it was hard, angry and quick, before I could even register what was happening it had happened and was over. I wanted a real kiss, one that he meant. A slow, passionate, meaningful kiss. I had never had one before...

Suddenly I heard the door burst open, "Freddie? Are you alright?" Brian asked, sounding rather panicked.

I flushed the toilet even though I had not used it and took a deep breath before walking out of the cubicle and over to the sinks.

"Yes, of course, darling. Why?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"You rushed out..." he looked at me suspiciously.

"Too much tea..." I tried to giggle and washed my hands.

"You look knackered...what don't I drive us home? Come to the studio in the afternoon?" He suggested.

"I'm fine. Besides, I've got the hospital again tomorrow afternoon." I reminded him.

"Oh bloodyhell. I forgot about that. Do you still want me to come with you?"

"If you wouldn't mind, Bri."

"No, of course I'll come." He smiled.

I dried my hands and walked towards the door that he was stood in front of, I expected him to move and we both exit the toilets but instead he stayed put.

He looked me over...being so long without any kind of complimenting behaviours from another human made me feel quite nervous when I saw him do this, he was only a few inches taller than I was but it had always been a turn on for me. I looked up at him, "Are you going to move?" I smirked, playfully.

He licked his lips and muttered, "It's a shame you want to do things properly..."

I slightly gasped..."Wh-what do you mean...?"

"Because I'd kind of like to kiss you again...right now..."

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