Getting To Know Each Other.

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Brian's P.O.V.

I gasped and span around quickly, breathless as I knew of that voice and I had not expected to hear it.

My eyes grew wide and I became even more deprived of oxygen once I set eyes on him.

He looked...gorgeous.

A black tuxedo that still had a little bit of a rock star vibe to it adorned his slim physique in the most marvellous of ways.

He stood, somewhat consciously. Maybe it was my stare or maybe it was the uptight venue.

I glanced at his newly clean shaven face, an amused expression upon it with those cheekbones of his protruding.

I swallowed hard, trying to get myself together, "F-Freddie? You came..." was all I could manage. I was still shocked to see him here, standing right in front of me.

He suddenly broke into a grin and a giggle, hiding his teeth as he did so which I wish he wouldn't do, licking his lips and looking at me bashfully, "Not without a fight..." he smiled, his cheeks blushing.

I stepped towards him and he looked up at me with those big brown eyes, I struggled to speak, shock, happiness and complete adoration completely overwhelmed me, "I'm sorry...I-" I started.

"Stop." He cut me off, shaking his head, "I don't want to bring it up. Or anything. If we're doing this...we're starting fresh." He said quietly.

I stepped away again, speechless but surprised. I was all for that, all for forgetting our past.

He cleared his throat which caught my attention again and I watched as he now stepped towards me with his hand out, "Hello. I'm Freddie Mercury. It's nice to meet you." He smirked up at me.

He must have seen my confusion as he nodded towards his hand.

And then I caught on. Freddie wanted to do this properly. So we will.

I took his hand, shaking it, "Brian May. It's an honour, Mr Mercury." I couldn't help a smile and a little giggle escaping but then again, neither could he. It was playful behaviour but also, it was serious and we meant it.

"Please, it's Freddie." He smiled, following me to one of the golden stools at the bar, which I pulled out for him.

"Then please, take a seat...Freddie."

"Oh, such a gentlemen." He giggled, sitting down. I sat beside him, "So, come here often?" He asked.

"No. It's actually my first time here." I couldn't wipe this goofy grin off of my face.

"Oh really?! Mine too." He cocked his head, grinning.

"Well, fancy that! May I buy you a drink, Freddie?" I asked, coyly.

His eyes widened and he played with his hair, "Oh, well...I don't know I mean...alright then. I'll have a champagne." He smiled, nervously.

I felt his eyes on me whilst I tried to flag down a barman. Instead of ordering just the glass, I ordered a bottle, that fact that he turned up here in the first place was an excuse to celebrate.

"So..." he suddenly giggled, "What do you do?

I eyed him playfully and chuckled, "Oh, I'm a guitarist. I'm in a band, we're pretty good." I shrugged.

That received a tongue in cheek expression from him as he tried his best not to burst out laughing.

"And you?"

He swallowed a mouthful of champagne that the barman had graciously poured into tall crystal glasses for the both of us.

"How interesting. I'm also in a band, the frontman. We're pretty fucking good." He side glanced me, taking a another sip.

A smart chap dressed in a crisp white uniform suit approached us quietly, "Your table is ready, gentlemen. If you'd like to follow me."

"After you." I grinned at him, letting him go first whilst I gathered my glass and the bottle to take with us.

I watched Fred silently as he marvelled at the architecture of the place, his eyes ablaze with interest and awe. It made me feel all warm inside.

It was a weird situation, this getting to know each other thing that we were doing, pretending we'd never met and was effective. It was actually making us speak to each other and it was kind of making the scenario real. I felt as if this was a real first date with somebody I had just met, not with Freddie whom I'd known for years, work with and live with. He was a clever bugger at times.

The waiter pulled out a chair for Freddie and let him sit down, he then did the same for me before placing white and gold, leather bound menus in front of us, lighting a candle that sit in the middle of the table and then he bowed, walking away.

I had requested this table specially, it was a little more out of the way but not so much so that we were isolated from everybody else, up on a little platform.

Again, I watched him. If I didn't know better I would have thought he was the most innocent being on earth, the way his eyes explored every detail and he cheekily people watched. He looked adorable in his bow tie.

"Stunning, isn't it?" He breathed, looking at the paintings that were on the ceiling.

"Very...a bit like you..." I said quietly.
My cheeks burned and I instantly felt embarrassed...but that all fizzled away when his eyes left the design of the building and settled on me. A visible blush taking over his cheeks as he pursed his lips trying to hide a grin. He giggled, a little embarrassed but it was cute. He pretended to get busy reading the menu.

I decided to resume our little role playing, "What do you like to do in your spare time?"

He looked up at me again, "Umm...lots really. Apart from music I-I really love art...I like going to galleries and...I adore Japanese wood prints, I would love to collect them but I doubt I'll ever have the money for that."

All this time...all these years of knowing...and I never knew that. I truly was getting to know him. From scratch, the way it should've been done a long time ago. I had been very shallow, there was a time where I thought all Freddie was interested in was music, going to clubs, getting drunk and having sex. It appears I had created this false persona of him, he wasn't like that at all. He was clever, classy, shy and quiet with interests that I would have never paired him with.

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