Babe Magnet.

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John's P.O.V.

We set off driving again and this time I had a smile on my face.

He cared, of course he did. I'd known this anyway but sometimes he just forgets to prove it to me. Sometimes...I feel like he treats me like we're still just friends, rather than boyfriends. I know he doesn't mean it and I know that's just his nature.

I admit I did greatly overreact back at home, Roger has this childlike excitement about him, about everything. He gets carried away and good lord is he nosy.

I know all he wanted was to know if their date had gone well, I wanted to know too but it was annoying me how he seemed more bothered about them than us.

But anyway, everything is fine now, I know he loves me and I know he'd do anything for me. Sometimes I do worry about him and Freddie though.

Probably for no reason.

And I was probably going to make things 100% worse but, back in Scotland when I had asked Freddie to purposefully try it on with Roger...he'd never done it. I sort of wanted him to still do it. It's not that I don't trust Roger at all...I just have an inkling that he wouldn't be able to say no to him.

But I want to see how these few days away will be, maybe it'll change my mind and I'll regret ever wanting to ask Freddie such a thing.

It was rather adorable that Roger had taken the time to think about a resolution for our little tiff, maybe a few days away from the other two would be just what the doctor ordered.

Soon enough we parked up in a hotel car park. It was nothing fancy and we had no idea if they had any rooms available, but I got out of my car when I saw Roger doing the same.

"What do you think to this place? Looks alright..." he pondered, examining the building.

I nodded, "It looks good to me." I smiled, grabbing on to his hand as we walked around to the main entrance to enquire.

We walked up to a little desk, there wasn't a grand lobby or anything, it was actually quite homely and normal looking.

"Hiya...I don't suppose you've got a room spare for about 3 nights?" Roger asked a young, brunette lady, politely.

"Oh of course." She grinned at him a little too much and fiddled about with her hair in a flirtatious manner.

I had to turn away and quietly giggle, oh darling, if only you knew.

"Oh brilliant!" Roger grinned.

I watched as she was all over him, staring at him with no subtlety at all.
"It'll be a room with two beds, yes?" She's asked.

"N-no, actually." Roger glanced over at me and smirked, "Just the one bed." He turned back to the young lady whose face had fallen as she caught on to what he had hinted.

"Right..." she's muttered grumpily, collecting a couple of keys and throwing them on the desk. "Room 14. Second floor."

Before we could thank her she had stormed off.

"Somebody had an admirer." I teased when we started to go up to the second floor in a lift.

"Shut up." He playfully punched me, his face turning red.

We walked down a corridor in order to find our room, the hotel actually appeared to be pretty huge, I had noticed a small bar and restaurant downstairs too.

"Number 14!" Rog exclaimed once he had found our number.

He unlocked the door and pushed it open, I was pleasantly surprised with the room, it had a vintage feel to it. The bed was huge and it was actually quite spacious.

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