Sticky Situation.

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John's P.O.V.

I must have dozed off after a while of us driving and got woken up by a sharp shake to the shoulder, sleepily forcing my eyes open I saw Freddie sat next to me.

At first, I wondered where Roger was but then everything came flooding back and I remembered that we were not currently talking to each other.

I sat up properly, rubbing my eyes.

"So...?" Freddie looked at me expectantly.

"So, what?" I groaned, not wanting to talk about it.

"You can't tell me that guy was a just a friend, Deaks. Not to make you and Roger fall out..." he dove right into the deep end, there's no sugar coating shit with Freddie.

"I don't know...he's not talking to me because I told Patrick he wasn't my boyfriend." I shrugged, "Rather childish if you ask me."

"Patrick, is it? So, you're on first name terms?" He pushed.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I looked at him sarcastically.

He shook his head quickly, "Well put it this way, John, would you be upset with Roger if he told another guy that you weren't his boyfriend...and was all secretive about who the other man was?" He raised a knowing eyebrow at me.

I sighed and looked out of the window, "Yeah..."

"So he's not being childish. He's being reasonable." Freddie nodded.

"Yeah." I reluctantly agreed.

It was getting quite venomous. Roger despised me at the moment for denying our relationship and with me trying to keep my past a secret, I was trying to play the victim...which was making me all bitter towards Rog, convincing myself he was being pathetic.

"What's going on, darling? There's some serious shit in the air. I can smell it." He turned in the seat to face me properly.

I knew Fred meant well, he was the peacekeeper and the compromiser between us all. He just wanted us all to get on all the time and to sort out any problems we had. Plus he wanted the tour to be our best one yet and with this situation happening...I couldn't focus on anything else and the last thing we needed was a feud going off between members of the a relationship or not.

I knew I could tell Freddie anything and he would keep it to himself, he's like a human safe, once he holds information, it's difficult to get it out of him.

I knew I could tell him and he would finally understand me and the reasons for my actions...hopefully.

But I had vowed my whole life to keep this a deep dark secret that nobody would ever find out about...and I thought I would never have to tell anyone...I thought I'd be able to live my life never having to think about it ever again. And it was all going well until he showed up.

Now I was having difficulty letting go of this secret I had kept mine for all these years, I didn't want to tell anyone, I was ashamed.

I had been looking down playing with my fingers whilst I could still feel Freds piercing eyes staring at me, waiting for an answer he probably wasn't going to get.

"Nothing..." I mumbled.

He scoffed, "Clearly." He stared at me again, waiting for another answer which, again, he wasn't going to get.

"Alright, let me just get this out in the open, you're not fucking cheating on Roger with him, are you?" He asked quietly with a slight bit of cringe present in his voice.

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