I'm Not Gay.

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Roger's P.O.V.

He looked at us sadly from across the table.

"Yeah, I've just been a dick, I know that." He shrugged.

"No, don't lie to us. We know somethings up." John pushed.

He was already using his technique of letting him know that we knew something.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I decided to join in, "You've just been distant. And you've been drinking a lot. We're worried." I didn't want to fight.

"I haven't been drinking more than I usually do..." he cowered.

"You have..." I whispered.

"We know shits gone down between you and Fred...now don't get mad that I'm bringing him up but it appears to me like...it's affecting you?" John hinted. Fuck. I loved the way he talked.

"Of course not." He shook his head nervously.

"Not even a little bit?" I pushed.

"No." He started to get angry again.

Obviously John wasn't letting him get away with things.
"Did you lie to Fred?" He took a gulp of his drink.

"What do you mean lie?" His eyebrows were furrowed.

"About...being gay?" John cocked his head to the side.

Brian started to laugh, "Are you being serious?"

"Yes, I am." He leaned forward on the table.

Brian sighed still with an amused smile on his face, "I'm not gay. Why would you even think that I lied? I can't help it that he fancies me. It's a bit weird that I live and work with someone who likes me but I'm just trying to forget about it."

"It's hard for him you know. To be so infatuated with you but to know he'll never get a chance with you. He's trying so hard to make things happen with Charlie." John seemed like he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

"I know. I understand now that I hurt him and let him down. But that's funny, because when he came in the other night having been out with Charlie he told me he didn't even like him." Brian shrugged smugly.

"He was drunk, Brian. Of course he was going to say that." I stuck up for him.

"Pretty sure he was telling the truth." He giggled.

"Unlike you." John was still staring at him venomously.

"What the fuck do you mean, John? Look. I'm not doing this and I'm especially now doing this here. Can we please go home?" He spat with hate in his eyes.

He got up before we could answer and went over to pay the bill.

"He's getting riled. Keep pushing him. He'll break soon." John whispered, winking.

Eventually back at home Brian had stopped talking to us and attempted to go hide himself away in his bedroom.

Freddie wasn't in. Most likely at Charlie's house. It's horrible, but I hope it was going terribly. For Fred's sake.

"You're not getting away that easily." John was blocking the doorway as Brian was trying to escape from us, knowing we were going to shower him with questions again.

He growled, he was starting to get as angry as he was last night and I knew it would all end up in tears.

"Sit down." John ordered.

Surprisingly, the guitarist did as he was told.

I sat on the other settee but John was stood in front of him.

"I'll ask you again, Bri. Is there anything you need to tell us? You know we won't say anything horrible seeing as though the rest of us have come out."

"This is fucking ridiculous. Why would you even think this?! I know the rest of you like men but just because you do doesn't mean I do too! I am not gay, John. Now leave it." He stood up to walk out but John blocked him and shot fire into his eyes.

"I think you're lying." He said calmly.

Brian stepped back, "Believe what you want but I am speaking the truth! Did Freddie set you up to this? Did he want you to interrogate me just because he's actually been rejected by somebody? He needs to grow up." His voice was raising and his arms flailing about in his rage.

I stood up and joined John, "It's nothing to do with Freddie. He didn't ask us to do anything. We just know you're lying. We've seen it." I finally joined in.

His eyes widened impossibly before he cracked into a cocky cackle.
"Bullshit." He shook his head.

"It's okay to be ashamed. I was for years and-!" John started but Brian cut him off.

Growling he bellowed with his mighty voice, "I am not gay! I do not want Freddie. Why would I want what you two have when I can have a woman." His stare cut through us both and his words punched us in the face.

Now it was my time to get angry.

"Well then, Brian. If you can go out and so easily get yourself a little slag then why haven't you had a girlfriend for years? You're always on your fucking own. You don even entertain women when they come up to you."

His face was turning redder from his anger, I saw his fists clenched by his sides but I carried on attacking him as I was seething.

"Why wouldn't you want what me and John have? Happiness for a start. And don't fucking lie to us Brian. You're obsessed with Freddie." I spat with poison in my voice.

Brian suddenly lunged at me, his fists in the air.

"Don't you fucking dare." John flew in between us and pushed Brain away.

"I am a straight man. I think nothing of Freddie." He was pointing at us with his finger and his breathing was sharp with his anger bubbling over.

"Yeah? So why are you always bringing him up? Blaming shit on him? You always think we're referring to him. Just can't get him off your mind, can you?" I teased, smiling now as our words were dangerously affecting him.

"Both of you just fuck off. I've had enough of all this. I'm not gay. And I'll say it again. Freddie is nothing to me. Not so much as even a friend anymore. Why would I want to touch him. Or any man?" He smiled evilly before turning his back.

Something snapped within me and I saw red. I shouted after him with so much hate in my voice I surprised myself. I was stepping closer to him as I screamed.

"Yeah?! So why the fuck did me and John see you in The Mill last night?! KISSING CHARLIE. And please explain to me Brian why I found an empty condom wrapper on your bedside table this morning? You fucked Charlie aswell. Didn't you."

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