A Full Circle.

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Freddie's P.O.V.


"Yes, my darling?"

"Did you listen to anything that I just said?" Brian, my curly haired guitarist of a boyfriend questioned, looking into my eyes, searching for some kind of an answer.

I cleared my throat and sat up properly at the studio table we were currently sat at. Once again, I had not been listening to anything he had been saying to me as I was far too busy staring at him, watching him, studying the way his curls bounced and his eyes twinkled and his lips moved...those lips that I just longed to kiss...

Which I could do now if I wanted to, he was what I like to call mine, and I could do with him what I like.

This moment felt familiar, like this situation had already happened at some point in my life, a déjà vu effect and I knew exactly why. This time last year we were still working on our A Day At The Races album and I had been sat in this very studio, at this very table with Brian, staring at him, and he'd gotten mad at me for not listening to him because I was infatuated and also aching, back then, I didn't even know Brian was gay, I thought he was dating somebody, a woman, when in fact he was leaving the studio early to work a second job to earn more money, which he didn't have to do now, the new album had almost sorted our financial problems out. But it was strange, as if that moment, almost exactly a year ago was the start to this crazy fucking journey that we had all been down. It was the start of everything.

The start of Roger and John accepting who they really are and, with a little help from myself, admitting to each other that they like one another, and eventually getting into a relationship...that is, after we all moved in together.

I can't quite believe that we've all been living under the same roof for almost a year now, we'd had little disagreements and all that but honestly, living with the three of them was so easy and fun.

And then, along came Charlie. Who brought along with him so much drama, hurt, heartbreak and confusion.
He was dating both me and Brian at the same time, leading me on whilst actually in a relationship with Brian.
All the while Bri knew exactly what was going on. I had never hated someone so much in my whole life like I had Charlie. Thankfully, since the last time we all saw him, after he stole all of our equipment when he broke into our studio, he's had to move away, and thank fuck, if I ever saw him again I would be sure to break his fucking legs, not only for making my life a misery, but for hurting Brian too.

Rory was also some kind of a hiccup along the way, whoever we met or whoever we were reunited with always seemed to add another bump in the road for me and Brian.

But then again, Roger and John also had their fair share of problems. Always arguing, John's parents practically disowning him for being gay, which they're okay with now, thankfully, Roger getting kissed by a girl whilst they were on a weekend away...and the reappearance of John's abusive ex, Patrick, who basically ruined their whole relationship for them.

I was still a little sad that their relationship never worked out, I wouldn't say my matchmaking skills in getting them together were completely wasted, because in the time they were together, they were always loved up and happy, it was just a bloody shame that someone had to come along and ruin everything for them out of pure jealousy. Not that Roger helped the situation at all, taking Patrick's side and turning his back on John.

But the two of them were absolutely fine with each other now, friends as they've always been, it's almost as if their relationship never happened, but I knew they still cherished all the memories they created together. They would rather be best friends than strangers and I'm so happy they managed to pull through and look past all the problems they'd had.

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