I Hate You!

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Still Freddie's P.O.V.

"Roger, please stay in time!" John snapped as we had messed up the recording of a new song for the eighth time already.

"What do you mean stay in time?! I am the time, you all play along to my beats! It's you not in time, John!" Roger spat back waving and pointing at John with his drumsticks.

I caught Brian's eye and he gave me a little shake of his head, as if to say 'such children', I had to agree, I was watching them like a tennis game and the ball was being hit to each end of the court.

You could tell Roger loved to argue, with anybody, especially John, they were very close friends but I guess arguing gave Roger that extra mix of emotions he wanted to have with John anyway.

I growled under my breath as I pushed my hair out of my face. We were wasting valuable time!

"Listen to me lovies!" I called, there was immediate silence and all three of them turned to me.
"We're getting at each other like damn children in a playground, it's absolutely pathetic, I'm sorry but it is."
I stood in the middle of all of them with my hands on my hips.
"Roger, I'm sorry Darling but you were a little out of time but then again John, so were you. But this is just a practice! This is why we do this! I mean look, I got the lyrics wrong a few takes ago, Brian missed his cue last time. We're not perfect. We practice for a reason and we shall practice until we are perfect. Let's stop getting at each other's throats shall we? Let's take a break. Go masturbate in the toilets or something, let off some steam."

I stood, they all listened thank God. I hate it when we argue, I always try and resolve the issues we have with some encouragement and humour.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I heard a little laugh come from John, I glanced at him and he was laughing, I peered over at Roger who was watching John laugh, a grin on his face too, eventually, a little giggled erupted from him. Lastly, I looked at Brian, it looked like he was holding back a barrel full of laughs, his lips were pursed as he tried not to explode.

I grinned at them all and decided to break the ice, "Okay, Dears, who wants tea?"

"Me!" All three of them said in unison.

I started to make my way to the door leading to the car park, "Well bloody get on with it then! I'll have one too!" I cackled, hearing them start to complain after me but the door shut behind me, drowning them out.

I took a deep breath in, filling my lungs with the wonderful fresh air, before I dug around in my pocket for my packet of cigarettes. I found them and took one out, lighting it up with a lighter and taking a long drag to calm myself. I closed my eyes as I leant against the wall where Brian was earlier and blew the smoke back out of my mouth. I smoothed my hair down and looked around, hoping one of the boys would come out to keep me company...hoping it would be Brian.

I had liked Brian for so long it was getting to the point where every time I saw him and spoke to him I would feel all sad and deflated afterwards. Simply because he wasn't mine. That I'd have to say goodbye to him at the end of each practice instead of linking arms with him and going home with him.

"Don't be an idiot." I whispered to myself, taking another drag of my smoke.

I heard the door leading out here open and close, I looked and saw it was the blonde babe, Roger.

He strolled towards me, hands occupied with two cups of tea.

"Here you go mate." He says, handing me one.

"Oh, you're a star Roger!" I gladly took the tea from him. We both leaned against the wall, people watching.

"You got a lighter?" He asked.

"Of course." I dived into my pocket and dug it out, handing it to him.

"We have to stop arguing." I sighed, matter of factly.

"Mmm...I agree...it's stupid. We argue about everything and anything, it's like we don't get on at all." Roger said quietly as he flicked the ash off the end of his cigarette.

"But we do get on, that's what I don't understand. We're all the best of friends yet here we are clawing at each other."

"I think we just have different views on what we should be doing, Fred."

"Well we have to bloody work around that! And anyway Mr. Taylor, you could at least try and look like you're not enjoying arguing with John." I teased, smiling at the floor.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" He stood, facing me more now.

I looked up at him giving a cheeky glance, "Oh come on, you love arguing with him and getting his hackles up, you practically eye fuck him whilst you argue!" I laughed as I watched Rogers eyes widen and his mouth gape open a little.

"I-! No! Shut up!" He protested, his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

"Where is John?" I asked.

"He umm...went to the toilet I think."

I gasped, "And you didn't go with him?!"

Roger shook his head a little, confused, "Wh-why would I go with him?"

I put my hand to my head in an 'are you stupid?!' manner. "He could have gone to the toilet to take my advice! Y'know...let off some steam? You could have given him a hand Roger!"

He looked at me like I was disgusting. "Freddie! Shush will you?! I'm sure if I did that he'd call the fucking police or something!"

I was near on dying of laughter, "Well alright then, you could use your mouth instead?" I winked.

Roger clasped a hand to his mouth and backed away towards the door.

"I hate you!" He said, "But then again I bloody love you too." He laughed as he went back through the door. Shortly after I decided to follow.

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