Our New Home!

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John's P.O.V.

"Home sweet home, boys!" Freddie shrieked as he kicked open the door to our new shared house.

I wasn't going to lie. I was very excited.

We all cheered and whooped as we piled ourselves in through the door, all of us adorned with multiple bags in our arms.

It had been a just over a month since we had decided to move in together and had gone out that night Freddie and Brian got absolutely trollied, myself and Roger had to practically carry the pair of them home. We all ended up crashing at Rogers place as he lived the nearest.

Roger and Freddie in his room and me and Brian in the spare room. I wanted to stay in Rogers room with him. But of course, neither of us felt like we could leave either of those two alone the whole night.

All four of us didn't get much sleep anyway, it was a bloody good job Roger had two toilets as both of them spent the majority of the night with their heads down the pan throwing up.

Brian seemed to get over it by the morning, of course he was dreadfully hungover as drinking to that extent wasn't really a habit of his. Usually Freddie gets over it quickly too because he is used to getting wasted like that, but he continued to throw up the whole day after too...he was very ill but the rest of us thought it was hilarious.

Fast forward a week and Roger comes into the studio with a newspaper, he slams it down on the table and points to an advert for a house that's up for sale, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen, a garden. It was perfect. And it was cheap. All four of us immediately dropped everything and went to view the house instead of working. It really was perfect. We put an offer down straight away!

Over the next couple of weeks things really started to look up for us, the album was coming along so well, both Brian and Roger had managed to find people to rent out their houses and our offer for the new house had been accepted!

The week after that we had all moved our belongings out of the houses, we set up a stall to sell some stuff and to make a bit of extra cash, the people renting Rogers and Brian's houses moved in and that's where we are now.

Moving in to our new home!

When we viewed the house we already decided whose bedroom would belong to who, so there would be no arguing, besides, it was fair because they were all the exact same size.

We all stood in the middle of the living room which was where the front door lead into, we grinned looking around our new home and at each other.

The house was so cheap, it was really an opportunity we couldn't decline, and it came fully furnished too, the previous owners just wanted rid of it quick as they were moving abroad.

Of course having the money situation of mine meant I couldn't contribute to putting any money towards the house...yet. I was going to. It was a firm promise in my heart.

I felt so lucky to have these three as my best friends, they really did look after me and it really did make me feel loved.

"It's weird." Brian suddenly spoke up breaking our uncommon silence, "But I think I'm going to like it." He grinned.

Roger patted him on the back and chirped up, "Me too, mate."

"Me three!" I joined in.

We all glanced at Freddie, he giggled at the lot of us before shrugging, "Me four."

"How about we unpack in our rooms?" Roger suggested giddily.

We agreed and we all went off to find our new bedrooms, climbing up the stairs, there was a typical two floors to the house, the bottom floor had the living room, dining room and kitchen and the top floor had a long corridor with two bedrooms on one side and another two on the other. There was a bathroom at the very top of the stairs and another tiny one at the other end of the corridor.

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