Let's Go For A Drive.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

There was a bout of silence. His eyes averted me and looked down at his bed instead, he swallowed hard. I was half hoping he'd answer me straight away with a 'you, Freddie, of course...' and his answer be unanimous but he hesitated a little too much for my liking.

I could feel my heart sinking the longer I waited.

"You..." he finally whispered, glancing at me shyly.

I should have been celebrating at his answer, but I wasn't convinced he meant it, he thought about it an awful lot.

"But...?" I asked.

He sighed and hid his face in his hands, "I still feel responsible for Charlie..." he stammered, looking up at me cautiously.

I looked away from him. I knew it. I knew I didn't fully have him.

"Do you want to be?" I braced myself for his answer.

But this time, he shook his head straight away, "No. I-I just don't feel like I have a choice. Whenever I think he's gone he just pops back into my life and I still feel like I need to do something to help him whenever he does return..." he looked pained about the matter.

I tried to sympathise, but I was never very good at doing so, "He was your first proper boyfriend, Bri. I suppose you always think you're first is going to be your one and only. You fell in love with him, you're an easy lover...of course there's going to be a part of you that's always got a soft spot for him, no matter what. And he obviously realised what he had, now it's gone...and he wants it back." I shrugged.

"I suppose so...I just don't want to be like that though. I'm tired of helping him. Why the fuck should I? He was horrible to me..." he swallowed.

"Realising he was disgusting is one step further. I still can't believe you let him walk all over you like that, he was sleeping with anyone he could get his hands on. We tried to tell you, darling." I put a hand on his leg.

He laughed a little, "Yeah I know. I knew I should've been listening to you but I was in denial, I guess. Blinded by love..."

"Everyone's the same, Bri." I smiled.

"I want to get rid of him, Freddie. I do. I promise. He's just never given me the chance to properly get over him because he keeps walking back into my life without an invitation. He's not letting me move on. And I want to. I want to focus on...you and me." There was a glint of desperation in his eye and I knew then, he was completely serious. It was just the prospect of Charlie popping up again that was stalling him to devoting himself fully...to me.

If Charlie was gone for good with no risk of him coming back...would things be any better?

Should I tell him about what I found out at the police station? The restraining order?

"Well...can I tell you a few things that might help to put you off him?" I suggested.

He rolled his eyes playfully, "Go on then..."

"Whilst I was at the police station...which, by the way, I got cleared of any assault allegations ten minutes after I arrived thank you very much. I was held there to help the police arrest Charlie. It turns out they needed more evidence and I was the perfect source. Charlie, is actually a very wanted man." I paused to read his facial expression.

His eyes were wide and he looked confused and shocked, "How do you mean?" He whispered.

"You don't think he could get into our studio and clear the place of our stuff in such a short amount of time if he'd never done it before, do you?" I hinted.

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