Shiver And Shake.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I was frozen in the same position he had me in when he had lifted my head to look at him.

But now he was gone.

There was no other way to describe what I was feeling other than...fucking shocked.

My breathing was deep and slow as my jaw gaped open ever so slightly and I stared wide eyed at nothing in particular.

For the first time in my life I was stunned to silence.

The moment kept repeating itself in my head over and over again but no matter how many wouldn't process.

Did that really happen?
Did Brian just fucking kiss me?

I swallowed hard and turned my head slowly towards my door.

Instantaneously, my hand wandered up to my lips where my finger tips brushed over them.

Not exactly how I had envisioned my first kiss from a man to be.

But I couldn't believe it. Everything had changed now, he couldn't lie or deny that never happened because neither of us were drunk enough to forget.

It happened. Brian kissed me.

Be it for only a maximum of two short seconds but he kissed me.
For real.

I was ecstatic, to the point where I wanted to scream and jump about excitedly, squealing like a little girl and giggle in a nervous flourish. But I couldn't. I couldn't move nor crack a smile.

I still didn't completely believe that it had happened.

On the other hand...I felt a little deflated...sad, almost.

Had that been what I'd been waiting for this whole time? A clumsy, heartless, two second kiss from the man I'd wanted for years? Was that it? Was he just going to kiss me and then pretend nothing ever happened and run off to Charlie again? Or was this the start of something? Was all the chasing over? The chasing that had taken place over a period of years? Was it...over?

I couldn't allow myself to think that I had him in the bag...because he just walked out as if he regretted doing it. I was so fucking confused. What did that mean?

Did he like me? Did he want me now? Was that just to shut me up?
What was going to happen now?
Were things going to be awkward?

But holy fucking mother of shit.
I just got kissed by Brian May.
My first kiss from a man was Brian fucking May.

And wasn't that what I'd been saving myself for all this time? It had been. And now, my patience had payed off. It had happened.

But I needed to know what was going to happen now. I was in limbo.

And right now, the feeling of confusion and a slight tad of sadness was the dominant emotion.

I tore my eyes away from the door and looked down at my legs.
My uninjured leg feeling and looking normal.
My stomach churning as I realised now why Brian was lower leg was bent inwards to the right at the knee.

I definitely wasn't going to be alright in the morning.

I tried to move but shooting pains made me yelp loudly.

I covered my mouth and breathed out in a lot pain.

He'd just walked out, leaving me alone in here with a probably broken leg, with my clothes still on and no way of being able to walk...or sleep.

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