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Freddie's P.O.V.

I grabbed Bri's hand eagerly, leading him through the massive crowds of drunken, dancing people and into the middle of the dance floor. Once we were in a desired spot I spun around to face him and began to dance. I teased and laughed at him as he looked awkward, just bobbing about a little as he glanced sheepishly at people, he thought people were judging him for dancing, if they were judging him at all it was probably because he wasn't dancing.

"Come on Bri! Let loose!" I screamed as I shimmied my shoulders towards him and flung myself about.

I took his hands again and began to work his arms for him to make it look like he was doing something, he seemed embarrassed.

I twirled myself around using his hand, letting myself pretend he was dancing with me and taking the lead. Not acting like a puppet and I was his ventriloquist.

The drugs had certainly kicked in now, and the cocaine on top of all the alcohol was making me super giddy and energetic...and very confident.

Sometimes I didn't even realise what I was doing until I was either already doing it, or already done it.

Just like right now, I had only just realised I had now spun only half way round, wrapping Brian's helpless arms around my body whilst I leaned into him, my back to his chest where I was still dancing dramatically, theatrically miming away to the song that was playing but also making Brian look like he was embracing me from behind.

I lolled my head back onto his chest, singing my heart out to this song I didn't even realise I knew the words to, whilst the guitarist looked evermore awkward with the prospect of not only being dragged into the middle of the crowds and made to dance but also having his arms around me whether he likes it or not.

But I didn't give a fuck. I was happy. It felt tingly having him this close to me. I just wish it was genuine.

"Fred! Let go!"

I finally tuned into reality and immediately let Bri go, feeling a tad bit embarrassed until I turned back around to face him to see his grinning, laughing face staring back at me.

"Well come on then, dance!" I yelled, laughing too.

"Buy me a drink and I will." He raised his eyebrows smugly at me, to me, there was a slight bit of flirt in his voice but I had known Brian long enough to know that that tone was competition in his voice.

I nodded at his deal. "Okay." I put my hand out for him to shake, which he accepted but I didn't let his hand out of mine when he shook it, instead I lead him over to the crowded bar, I wanted to keep his hand in mine but I didn't want to weird him out any further.

I didn't ask him what drink he wanted, I was purposefully going to order him something ridiculously strong, to tip him over the edge. He was drunk but I wanted him utterly pissed. I wanted him to dance with me and I wanted him to enjoy it.

Once the barman approached me I leaned over the counter to shout in his ear.

I ordered myself the same as Bri, to keep my alcohol intake at a constant high but also so Brian didn't seem suspicious if I had ordered him something completely different to me.

Once the drinks had been paid for I grabbed them, I motioned for the guitarist to follow me and I lead him outside so that I could have a smoke.

Once we were outside and the music had quietened enough for us to talk normally to each other I handed Brian his drink. He took it and eyed it over, he brought it up to his nose and sniffed it, he grimaced and I chuckled at him.

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