Jack And The Beanstalk.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I tossed my ruined jacket into a corner in a strop before looking back to Brian's wide eyed expression.

Did he think I was going to get naked in front of him right now? Because I would. And I will.

"I'll keep my boxers on until you go." I reasoned. Smirking at his dishevelled face.

Relief washed over his face, "Good. I'm not prepared to undress you all the way." He giggled coming over again and helping me with the buttons on my white shirt that I was struggling with.

"So you're prepared to undress me until I'm semi naked, hmm?" I winked sloppily and watched a blush creep along his cheeks.

"I just want you to go to bed so you can sleep this fuzzy head off and rest that arm. I'm just helping." He unbuttoned the last one and I slipped it from my body, easily tugging it over my bandage.

I collapsed onto the edge of the bed and attempted to push my platform shoes off with my feet, I didn't want to bend over as I still felt sick and even moving my fingers was hurting my wrist now.

"Christ almighty, Fred. Give me your foot." Bri laughed quietly, crouching at my feet and untying the laces before pulling my shoes off with ease.

I cautiously stood back up.

"Alright down there?" He teased, giggling, taking the piss out of me as I'd lost a couple of inches of height now I'd taken my shoes off.

"Fuck you." I giggled.

"Quite small you are." He prodded me and I batted him off half heartedly.

"I am not. You're just abnormally tall. Like Jack and the fucking Beanstalk." My words still slurring.

Yes Bri. I want to climb you like Jack climbed the beanstalk. Maybe that could be a roleplay session we have...

I tried to undo the button on my trousers with one hand as my injured side didn't want to cooperate. And neither did this bloody button. I couldn't get it open, it would be terribly awkward if Brian had to undo it....he'd surely discover the hard on that I had going on, what with him practically undressing me, it lead to dirty images in my head, my cock was still angry that it hadn't been paid attention to earlier and was out to humiliate me.

"Umm...d-do you, do you need...help?" Bri stuttered as he had seen me battle with the button. A deep blush saturating his cheeks.

Oh shit. Well I had to say yes, I didn't...couldn't sleep in these things all night...but did I really want to risk his fingers accidentally brushing over my erection...did I really want him to see what was going on? Because these trousers really didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Yes..." I whispered, hoarsely.

He seemed to hesitate before coming closer.

I moved my hands that was concealing the hard on, I saw his eyes widen in the slightest, he was obviously just being polite and trying to keep my crumbling dignity in tact by ignoring the sight of it. In one swift movement I felt a little tug and the button was undone. He snatched his hands away.

My. That was almost expertly done.

My cock throbbed for his attention even more now but I tried to ignore it with all my might.

He's not gay. He's not gay. He's not gay. I repeated in my head as I pulled the trousers off of me and quickly jumped into bed to conceal the horny mess that I was.

I covered my body with the duvet but remained sat up, if I laid down the room would spin and I'd throw up again. I patted the space next to me, inviting him to come sit with me.

He took it, "So, when are you taking Charlie out?" He asked softly.

"Tomorrow." I tipped my head back and let it bang against the wall, hating myself for suggesting I take him out. For initiating this thing. For being too soft. For caring too much.

He nodded slowly looking down at his lap.

There was a pause, I thought he was about to leave my room and say goodnight but he started talking again, shyly.
"You didn't answer my question from the other night." He almost whispered.

I inhaled quickly, not knowing if it was a pang of sickness that I suddenly felt or pure panic at his little statement.

Was he really going to bring this up now?! I didn't want to do this. Couldn't he tell I was literally dying right now.
But he was about to go there.

Say yes. You fucking tell him. Were the only things I could hear, the short little one liners that Roger and John had forced upon me.

I knew I should say yes but didn't know if I could. Or even if I wanted to. Not in this state. Or any state to be honest.
Maybe I just wanted it to be a secret.

But when I made the comparison of not telling him and watching him grow old with someone else and then telling him and watching him fall in love with me instead. The latter was in my favour.

"What question?" I croaked.

"The one where I asked you who it was that you liked..." he mumbled.

Oh so this is how you're going to play the game, Bri. Make me realise you do in fact remember the conversation we had whilst you were drunk and then curve it and take a step back to the guessing game, not the part where you almost gave me a fucking heart attack when you blurted out the question of 'is it me?"

"Like I said...you know who it isn't." I twiddled with the fabric of the duvet.

"Mmm...are you going to make me guess again?" He half laughed.

"Yes." I shrugged, trying my hardest to get away from that question I knew was right on the tip of his tongue.

He groaned in annoyance, "Mick?" He asked.





"Ew. No."

"I don't know...Jimmy?"

I chuckled at his guesses, "No, darling."

"Well alright then." He flailed his arms about in dramatic humour, putting on a fake and rather camp voice, "Is it me?" He giggled but his face didn't read a sincere smile.

I wanted to kick the duvet off of my body as I had suddenly grown rather hot and panicky, I wanted to run out of the room. Scream. Hide. Never come out. Never have to face this problem ever again.

He waited suspiciously.

Get a grip, Freddie. Say something.
"What...what if it is...you?"

Fuck. Wrong thing to say.

His head snapped up and I struggled to make eye contact, my face probably stained red by now.

A grin spread across his magical lips as he chuckled a little before flashing me a gorgeous happy face.

"Well. I'd say thank you very much. I'm actually really flattered." His eyes sparkled.

My heart thumped loud, I was about to let myself think that this is where we slowly leaned in to kiss because he wasn't batting that thought of me fancying him away at all.

But then I watched his face drop, that smile disappear and that sparkle in those hazel eyes dissolve as he looked away from me.

"Before reminding you that...I'm not gay."

And there was that almighty crack as my heart broke in two.

"But, is it really me?" He pushed for clarification, glancing at me quickly before tearing his eyes away again.

I was unable to speak, if I did, he would hear my voice crack from the lump in my throat that had grown. There was no point in lying now...he didn't care anyway. There was no chance I'd ever be with him.

I nodded my head, "Yes." I whispered, reaching over and turning out the lamp beside me before he looked over and finally saw those singular tears that had been threatening to make an appearance all night...finally trickle down my cheeks.

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