Just Me And Deaky.

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Roger's P.O.V.

He blushed at my words, only making me adore him more. His head was down as he studied the cocktail menu but try as I might my eyes couldn't study anything else apart from him.

He looked beautiful. I wanted to tell him but I was still too nervous.

Admittedly, I wanted to meet John here rather than us come together as I was petrified of how things would be. Would we make small talk on the way here or would we talk about everything on the journey and not have anything left to talk about when we eventually arrived?

Other than that, I wanted to be a gentleman. I wanted to meet him here and treat him like I've wanted to do so for months.

I wanted to nervously search for him through the crowds and my heart to soar when he walked through the doors. And it bloody well did. My heart hammered against my chest when he arrived so much so my stare was locked onto him. I'd wanted this for so long, to have a night with just me and him. No Freddie. No Brian.

Just me and Deaky.

When I first saw him tonight I almost choked on my drink, he looked good all the time but this outfit on him was...spectacular. He looked so breathtakingly handsome.

After my talk with Brian earlier today and after I had nervously asked John out tonight I was all for taking him to the little Italian place in town where Bri had suggested but after a think, I decided it just wasn't good enough. I really wanted to treat him, make him feel special, I knew of this place, I managed to save some money over the past month and had enough to have a meal here. So I booked it. I knew I'd made the right decision.

"I think I'll have a a raspberry Mojito." I was still already staring at him when he finally looked up from that damn menu and showed me his face. A flush of embarrassment flashed in his eyes when he realised I'd been staring at him this whole time.

I wasn't nervous anymore. I was just happy to be here with him and I wanted to embrace it in all the ways I could. So I wasn't ashamed of staring at him for too long.

I raised my eyebrows giving him a smirk, "Oh, very classy." He giggled at my remark.

I flagged down the barman, "Could I have a raspberry Mojito and a Gin Martini, please."

"Of course, Mr. Taylor, I'll put it on your tab." The barman nodded at me.

I was slightly taken aback, either he had known my name from my booking reservation or he knew of my occupation.

I felt a nudge in my ribs and looked to see a mischievous smile from Deaks, "I think somebody knows who you are." He beckoned towards the barman.

I smiled gingerly before my attention was caught from some people pointing in John's direction behind him, "I think somebody knows who you are, too."

He looked behind him and hurriedly turned back towards me with a shy face. It wasn't unheard of for people to recognise us when we were out and about, although we could still walk the streets without being ambushed.

"Slightly embarrassing." John blushed.

"Ignore them. They're probably staring because you look amazing." I bit my lip cringing at my sentence, I meant it and I wanted to say it to him, I was just a little nervous.

I felt his eyes on me and I glanced at him, he'd gone all gooey eyed on me and a smile of disbelief on his face, he looked utterly adorable.

"Thank you, Rog..." he beamed.

All too soon our drinks were handed to us and a waiter had approached us, offering to take us to our table. I had purposefully requested a table out of the way from the hustle and bustle.
We were lead to a two seater table at the very far end of the restaurant that had its own little nook in the building, it was perfect.

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