Boyfriend? Is it?

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Brian's P.O.V.

"Freddie?! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" I called up the stairs, desperate to get going.

Today was the day that Freddie was going to have the cast removed from his leg and as usual, he was pissing about and we were already cutting time short.

It had been a slow and steady six weeks, we returned to the studio after a week, Fred was used to getting about on his crutches and my permanent headache from being punched in the face by that absolute knobsack had subsided.

We still couldn't believe he had the cheek to show up again. Freddie was probably right, he most likely wanted to steal more of our money.

Other than that, everything had been going scarily well, scarily because nothing had gone wrong for a while and it was only fate that it would soon.

We had one week left to work on the album and I personally still thought it needed one more song, luckily, the rest seemed to agree so we had all been busying ourselves with trying to write the last song.

Also, these six weeks had clarified it for me. That Freddie was completely lovely and appeared to get more handsome every time I looked at him, which was a lot, I could no longer help myself.
Whereas before I distracted myself from him...I really didn't want to anymore. Our chemistry was growing and our bond was stronger. I wanted to wait out these six weeks, to give me time to think about him, whether it was just a phase I was going through or if it was real.

It was real alright.
I really fucking liked him.

I had not kissed him since that night, had I wanted to? Multiple times. But I was scared. Still. I didn't know if he wanted me to. We hadn't spoken about it since.

I was apprehensive...I wondered if things would change when he got out of the cast and was a free soul again. Would he change? Or will he continue to be a little fucking torment where he'd laugh loudly after saying something cheeky to me whilst giving me that adorable toothy grin?

A part of me wanted to carry on looking after him. Of course, Deaky and Rog had done their part too but I enjoyed it. I knew he appreciated it.

I was nervous, I'd said to myself that if my feelings were the same after he got out of the cast...then...I'd talk to him...properly. About us.

"Alright, darling. I'm coming. Keep your curls on." I heard his voice near the stairs and the clicking of his crutches.

He no longer needed help getting down them, he was a professional now.

John and Roger had gone out food shopping so they weren't in.

I opened the door and let him go out first, the pleasant sun shining down, it was almost summer now but the British Summer was never truly warm enough to go out without a jacket, but it was nice not to have a huge coat to wear.

"Do you think it'll hurt?" Fred asked once we had started driving to the hospital.

"Yeah, it bet it's going to be excruciating." I smirked at him and he punched me on the arm.

"Tell the truth!" He begged.

"Of course not, Fred. They'll just smash it off or something..." I shrugged, giggling at his wide eyes.

"What about physiotherapy? Will that hurt?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"It might a little, I'm not too sure, you'll have to ask the doctor." I smiled at his worried little face, "Since when does pain worry you anyway?"

"It doesn't...I just want to know because if it'll have to keep looking after me." He winked and giggled.

"Cheeky! I should be getting paid for these last six weeks, nothing but graft looking after you, Mr Demanding." I teased.

"I'm a rock star, Brian. I deserve only the best." He pouted, pretending to swish his hair."

"I'm a rock star too..."

"And I'll pay you back in the best way imaginable, darling. You've been bloody brilliant, I'm not kidding."

I smiled at his little statement. "Come on. We're here."

We were hustled into a room without having to wait at all, maybe they didn't want a crowd hanging about if anybody recognised us but the doctor got to work straight away.

"Okay, Freddie. This won't hurt but it might tickle a little." The doctor said, pulling out what looked like an electric pizza cutter.

I watched as Freddie's face dropped and the colour drained from his cheeks, "The fuck is that...?" He whispered.

"Fred!" I hissed at him, he knew I was on about his swearing.

Luckily the doctor just chuckled, "It's to cut off your cast! Don't worry, it won't touch you."

The doctor began to gently cut open the cast with this surgical instrument whilst Freddie watched on, a look of interest and worry on his face until he closed his eyes and pursed his lips.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"It tickles..." he giggled, trying to suppress his laughter as his leg flinched.

"Try to keep still for me." The doctor warned.

In no time at all the blasted cast was off his leg.

"Ew...why does it look dead..." Freddie grimaced at seeing his leg for the first time.

I looked at it too, it was significantly paler than his other leg and looked as if it had been submerged in water for the full six weeks...

"Because your skin hasn't been able to breathe and there has been no light on it either, it'll return to normal in a week or so. Now, you will need to wear a leg brace for two weeks just to ensure your joints remain strong enough." The doctor went over to show him a leg brace whilst also wheeling a wheelchair over, "So if you could just sit yourself in the wheelchair without putting any weight on your leg for the time being, I'll wheel you down to start physio." He smiled.

"Will it hurt?" Fred asked, I helped him off the examining table and he plopped himself into the wheelchair.

"It might feel a little strange, a dull ache is common but nothing paracetamol won't cure. Now if you'll follow me." He said, nodding towards me to follow as he started to push Freddie down the corridor.

We went into another room and I instantly recognised the other doctor that was going to help Fred with his physio, it was the one who had catered for him when I rushed him into hospital the night the incident had happened.

"Ahh! Long time no see. How's the leg?" He grinned, grabbing Fred's hands and pulling him up, helping him sit on another examining table.

"It looks disgusting." Fred chuckled.

"You're right, it does." He joked, "Lay down for me, Fred. Today will be nothing more than a few exercises, moving your toes, bending at the knee and lifting the leg at the hip, then tomorrow we'll see if you can get on your feet again."

"Can't I just try and walk now? I'm so bored." He moaned.

"Well you could if you wanted your leg to crumble under your weight and then be put in another cast for another six weeks." The doctor smirked at him and then he shut up.

"Do as you're told, Freddie." I giggled at him sarcastically, secretly enjoying that he had to succumb to other people's instructions and knowing all too week he hated being told what to do.

He turned his head towards me and stuck his tongue out at me.

The doctor chuckled again, "Listen to your...umm...boyfriend? Is it?" He asked casually as he took notes.

I gasped and immediately began to blush and get hot.

I glanced at Freddie the same time he looked at me wide eyed, there was a smug smirk on his face that only made me blush more.

He smiled to himself, "No, dear..." he looked me over and raised his eyebrows in quite the seductive manner before licking his lips and turning back to the doctor, "...he's just my personal slave."

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