My Only Rule.

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Still Freddie's P.O.V.

We were silently slumped around the table, there was indeed 10 shots each of the strongest stuff you could lay your hands on, you name it, vodka, whiskey, absinthe, tequila...everything.

And we had destroyed the lot.

If we were pissed before, we were trollied now.

I couldn't move my head without the room spinning but hell, that was just part of the fun. I enjoyed it and it made me giggle at everything.

John was laid back on the seat with his eyes closed, I knew he was awake though, his hand was still around his beer bottle, taking swigs now and again.

Dear Roger had his head on the table as he just stared aimlessly at nothing, he was still high was I.

We were the kind of people who didn't stop when we thought enough was enough...we just carried on until we had no bloody idea what the fuck was happening.

Roger and I especially, always went on the hunt for sex when we were like this. Personally, I turned into an even more hornier devil than I was when I'm sober.

I pulled at a clump of Rogers hair and he groaned at me, I leant forward until our heads were close.

"Roger..." I whispered in a singsong intonation.

He finally looked at me.

"Shall we go on the prowl?" I winked.

His eyes lit up and he looked at me now with more interest and nodded.

I tapped John on the shoulder, "We'll be right back!" I said to him, he nodded, his eyes still closed.

Roger followed as we swanned our way through the vast crowds of people, standing here and there, dancing a little to try catch someone's attention.

It was very rare that I failed to pull someone. Roger, on the other hand wasn't always so lucky.

I felt a tug at my jacket sleeve, it was Rog.

"Fred...I don't know if I can do this." He sounded frightened.

I put a hand in his shoulder to soothe him, "Why darling, what's wrong?"

His eyes looked teary, I wasn't actually that sure if it was the drugs and alcohol making him like this or...him.

"I'm not a ladies man Freddie. I don't want to be the ladies man among us!" He choked as his voice cracked. I think it was a mixture of of all three, drink, drugs, and real emotion.

"Roger! Shush dear, you don't have to be, it's okay..." I hugged him, he looked like he needed one and to my surprise he clung on to me and hugged me back, tightly.

"I don't want ladies Fred...I want John." I looked at him and there was an actual tear running down his cheek.

I wasn't good with emotional people.

"Stop crying you soft fucker! You will have him. Trust me." I playfully wiped the tear away.

"Promise?" His lip wobbled.

"Roger. I promise." I ruffled his hair.

He stumbled and swayed a little before giving me a half smile and dragging me into the midst of the people.

Either Roger was undecided about the whole situation or his current state made him forget about that little breakdown he just had but he was soon talking to two girls at the same time, who seemed to be all over him, even if he couldn't stand up properly.

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