Up Close And Personal.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

"That's what I like to hear!" A bubbly voice suddenly entered the room whilst I was still looking up into Brian's eyes with a flushed face after his rather forward remark, of course, it was Deaky who walked in the dressing room, just at the right time to hear Bri's flirty little comment.

"Oh for fuck sake..." I tipped my head back in defeat, giggling a little, I guess it was pay back, I always stuck my nose into Johns and Rogers sex life, now they're doing it to mine and I don't particularly appreciate it, but could tell I would just have to put up with it. A far cry seeing as though I used to voluntarily tell them graphic details of what I'd done the night before with a stranger, whether they wanted to hear it or not. Even throwing in some over the top actions here and there, making them screech at me to stop which was hilarious and part of the reason why I always did it.

"Get in there, Bri." He turned around, giving Brian a cheeky wink and a nod before leaving again with his bag.

Chuckling and shaking his head a little, Brian looked back at me bashfully, "At least we have his approval...?" He tried to shrug casually, trying to make things seem better but it just made things more awkward.

"Shut up." I pointed at him playfully whilst laughing with a face the colour of a tomato, I turned around, beginning to stuff my belongings into a carry case and threw it over my shoulder, turning round to an expectant looking boyfriend.

"You're actually keeping the jumpsuit on?" He asked, in disbelief.

I raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a side smile, "It's what you want, isn't it?"

He gave a breathy, nervous laugh and a grin, nodding his head slightly.

I grabbed his hand and started to lead him towards the exit of the dressing room, eager to get out of here, "Well come on then, I don't want to be in this garment for much longer." I followed my statement with a cheeky and very purposefully flirtatious wink, I wanted him to think that tonight might be the night something may happen between us.

It wasn't because Deaky had suggested things happen tonight, nor was it because Brian seemed particularly in the mood...it was just to show him that I was slowly warming to the idea, that I wasn't going to carry on saying no to him all the time, to give him a little inkling that something may happen between us soon.

But if tonight was going to be the night...then really, where was the harm?

We'll see.

"Hey, wait up!" We heard a voice and running footsteps behind us, we both turned around to see Roger catching us up, "Christ, Fred, why have you kept that thing on?!" He asked, out of breath, motioning to the jumpsuit I was wearing.

For the millionth time I felt my cheeks flush and looked down at the floor, I felt Brian squeeze my hand that he was holding cheekily, as if to say, try and get yourself out of this one.

I cleared my throat, undecided on my answer, make it up and say I couldn't be bothered to get changed into something else, or tell him that Brian wants me to keep it on so that he can strip me of it when we get back to our hotel room, letting Roger know that me and Bri could possibly fuck later and then I've also got him on my case which I didn't particularly want.

I shrugged pathetically, if I lied, he would be able to tell, but it was worth a shot anyways, "Just...couldn't be arsed to get changed..." I struggled, avoiding any means of eye contact with any of them. If I was to look at Brian I would probably die of embarrassment and start laughing, if I was to look at Rog, he would certainly see in my eyes that I wasn't telling the truth.

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