Childish Prat.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing else we can do." A young receptionist said, quite obviously panicking at Brian's outrage.

"It's okay, darling. We'll make do with the two rooms." I smiled at the young woman and dragged Brian away.

"I am not sharing a room with you." He growled.

"I'm not too thrilled about the idea either, Brian, but there's no other options. Get over it." I hissed back at him, getting a little irritated at his childish behaviour.

At any other time, the idea of sharing a room with Brian would have made me a little nervous, excited, I would look forward to it.

Right now, I was dreading it. He hated me for ruining his speaker, didn't even want to look at me, spoke to me as if I was a serial killer. So no, I wasn't looking forward to sharing a room with Brian where I would no doubt make up blissful scenarios in my head and cheekily think about what would happen if we were to fuck.
No. Instead I was thinking about where I could sleep to get the furthest away from him because no doubt he would want the bed.

"I'm having the bed." He snarled arrogantly.

We had started to make our way to our rooms, I rolled my eyes at his comment, "Yeah, whatever." I shrugged, not bothering to argue.

Why we couldn't share I didn't understand. It wasn't like I was going to assault him in the middle of the night. It was no big deal. But the grumpy bastard probably 'needed the space to himself' because he's a dramatic twat. Honestly, I sometimes question myself in what I actually see in him.

"Are you two going to be alright?" Jim panicked when we got to our rooms.

"Everything will be alright when I kill him in his sleep." Brian said angrily, leaving and going into our room.

"Hmm, delightful." I said sarcastically, "Everything will be as long as he doesn't kill me in my sleep." I joked.

"Freddie." Jim said desperately.

"We'll be fine." I smiled a little to ease him.

"And remember, we're only across the hall if you need us." Roger called across the corridor.

I nodded at him in appreciation and the love birds disappeared into their room.

"Im only on the bus if you need anything." Jim patted me on the shoulder.

"Stop worrying, Dear. You'll know if somethings wrong, you'll probably hear us scream at each other." I giggled.

"You're not making me feel any better."

I cackled, "Go on. Get out of here." I pretended to kick his arse and he reluctantly walked away.

And then I was left alone standing in the deserted hallway of this damned hotel. I should be looking forward to it. It was a weeks holiday away from work. But I'd spent the best part of my last 4 years living in hotels and along with all the tension and hate about right now...I just wanted to go home.

I really should be feeling on top of the world after that highly successful show but...but other things quite clearly matter to me more.

Instead of going into the room I was sharing with Brian I went straight over to John and Rogers loves shack, walking right in.

"Oooh don't mind me." I giggled.

"Ahh! Freddie!" Roger squealed, rolling off the top of John.

"Oh give over. I've seen worse."
I winked.

They both had blushed faces and embarrassed smiles, they were only kissing!

"Of us?" Roger gasped.

"No. Of other people." I shrugged, taking a seat in an armchair that was in the corner of the room.

There was some comfortable silence as Deaky started to unpack his stuff and Roger explored the hairdryer.

"How the fuck am I supposed to share a room with him?!" I suddenly blurted out.

Deaky sighed, "You'll do it."

"I know I will but John..." I wailed, "He hates me! And I can't help but still be insane about him. I'm going to fucking stare at him in his sleep like a fucking weirdo and probably wake up with a boner having shared the premises with him and I don't want that to happen but it will and..." I made a noise of frustration having babbled on without pausing.

"Just keep yourself under control!" He laughed.

"I can't...especially if we get back absolutely pissed. I'll be all over him." I blushed, giggling at what a mess I'll probably be.

"Oh Jesus, Freddie!" Deaky was laughing loudly, "You need to! He'll fucking strangle you!"

"Are you sharing the bed?" Roger suddenly said, coming out from the bathroom.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Really, Roger?"

He smirked, "I'll take that as a no." He giggled.

"I'm going to have to sleep in the fucking bath or something. All week!" I said.

"It might not be all week, a room might become available." Deaky tried to calm me.

"Or you and Brian have started fucking each other by then." Roger teased.

"Roger." Deaky warned.

"Twat." I laughed, giving him a dead eye. "You two haven't even started fucking each other yet. You're not going to get pregnant y'know." I smirked, watching their faces turn red. "I mean Christ, you've almost been a thing for four months, how have you not broken each other in yet?" I was teasing them but actually I kind of wanted to know aswell.

They both grimaced a little at my choice of words which made me chuckle.

"We're just doing things in our own time." Deaky shrugged.

I stood up from the chair, "You'll be going grey soon. Anyway, I'll let you resume whatever you had going on before I interrupted, meet you in the lobby in an hour to go out?" I suggested.

"Yeah see you there!" Roger answered sounding excited.

I left their room, still jealous of their relationship but figuring out that it was just a little too soppy for me. I stared at the closed door to mine and Brian's room.

I huffed, going in, our room was ever so slightly different to the others room. A little bigger. Brian had laid out his pyjamas on the bed, his way of claiming it I suppose.

I went over to my suitcase, I could hear Brian in the shower, it automatically making dirty images pop up in my head so to take my mind of him getting saturated under the water I decided to unpack.

I gathered some clothes that needed to be hung up and went over to the wardrobe.

"What the fuck, Brian..." I whispered under my breath. He'd taken up the whole wardrobe with his shit leaving no room for mine. I went over to see if I could fit them in any of the drawers.

Childish prat.

Was this his way of getting me back? He'd taken up all of the drawers too! I got that he didn't want to share a room with me, he couldn't make it any more bloody obvious. But he could have at least left me the bottom drawer free.

I sat on the bed, my clothes screwed up in my lap, feeling shit about everything for that moment in time. Then I heard the water stop.

I was ready for a fucking battle.

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