Boys Will Be Boys.

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Brian's P.O.V.

I drank the tea that Fred had brought me and got out of bed after he had stormed out in another one of his hissy fits.

I was still a little wobbly on my feet from the hangover from hell that was blessing me right now. I can't believe I let him get me so drunk. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes as a wave of nausea washed through me. Please god, I can't throw up again, I thought I was about to faint last night.

He did take care of me was very embarrassing that he had to practically undress me, I remembered everything. I wasn't a forgetful drunk.

I was in a grumble because I felt like shit and I hated it when Freddie took everything I said to him to heart. He was so sensitive. I did feel as if I should apologise though, I didn't want to but I needed to.

I entered the living room to see Rog and Deaky sitting closely together watching the news on the TV, they were cute. I had to admit it. Although I was jealous. I wanted somebody to cuddle with and be sweet with.

"Where's Fred?" I asked, getting a little angry at his childish ways.

"He's gone out, why?" Roger eyed me cautiously.

I huffed in annoyance, "What's he stormed out for now?!" I seethed under my breath but it was loud enough for them to hear. Roger rose from his seat and took a few steps towards me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What have you said to him?" He asked in confrontation.

I glared at the little blonde, "Nothing." I shrugged.

"Well you must have said something to him for you to think he stormed out on your accord." He had a smug glint in his eye.

Why was everyone so protective of him? They acted like he was some kind of delicate fucking petal.

"We were talking about you two. I said I thought you were cute. He asked why I never thought it was cute when he was with a guy..." I explained.

"And..." Roger pushed.

I groaned, "And I said because all he does is fuck them and then wave goodbye. I wasn't wrong." I smiled arrogantly.

Rogers eyes slanted and he looked at me with hate in his eyes, "Why the fuck would you say that Brian?! Haven't you noticed he's changed? He hasn't been with anybody for over a month!" His high pitched voice was becoming shrill.

"I'm not wrong though am I! That's what he does!"

"Did! That's what he did, Brian! Not anymore. Don't you pay attention to him at all?!"

"How can I not pay attention to him?! He's what all the attention goes on."

"Oh for fuck sake." He rolled his blue eyes.

"Roger. Leave it." Deaky cowered in the corner.

"No, John. I'm not having him talk about Freddie like this. He's our frontman. Of course people give him the attention! What is your problem with him, he's nothing but nice to you all the time and you just throw shit back at him. Are you just jealous of him?" Roger was an argumentative soul but I've never seen him get so riled up before.

I was jealous. Yes. But not of Fred in particular. But I wasn't about to get into that.
"I'm not getting into this, Roger. Leave it. I'm done. I'm going to work. Tell Freddie I'll meet him there at 9:30." I paced out and grabbed my coat.

"Meet him where?!" Roger called after me but I had already grabbed my car keys and had closed the door behind me, so I didn't answer him.

I threw open the car door and slammed it shut behind me, my anger boiled over and I went into a round of punching the steering wheel multiple times in rage until I just gripped it hard in my fists, shaking from the anger.

I was so fucking stupid. How could I explain it to anybody? I wasn't jealous of Freddie. I loved him like a brother. It was something else.

The anger showed in the way I was recklessly driving, making it to work alive by the skin of my teeth.

I knocked on the door, it was private house that I was working in, an astronomy project I was helping on with some other guys.

"Good afternoon, Brian!" Emma, the housekeeper greeted me.

"Hi, Emma. How are you?" I tried to smile as I walked in, taking off my jacket.

Emma was fantastic. Very pretty too.

"I'm fine. But you're not? What's happened now?" She joked, was I really that easy to read?

I sighed loudly, "Nothing really, just another little tiff with one of the boys. It'll be fine." I shrugged, going through my files.

She tutted, "Boys will be boys."

"Yeah..." I reluctantly agreed.

Truthfully I felt awful, about snapping at Freddie and having a go at Roger too...I used to be the peace keeper in the group but up until recently it seems to be me that's causing all the arguments...why had I turned so bitter?

I plodded up the stairs to the study which is where all the research was being conducted by me and three other astronomers. As much as I loved and was interested in astronomy, Queen will always be at the forefront for me.

It was a long and tiring...aswell as rather boring day, we hadn't found out anything new about this weird star that had been found but that was to be was a slow process. I hadn't told the boys what exactly my 'evening job' consisted of...mostly because I didn't deem it important but no doubt if I told them Freddie would make a fuss, thinking its this revolutionary thing and wanting to toast it with champagne or something daft like that...he loved to make a fuss over people, and sometimes it was unnecessary. But I guess it was generous of him.

I was eager to get out of this place and go to the pub with Freddie. I was a lot more closed off from the world before I met him, he really has brought me out of my shell a lot and I do thank him for that.

Who am I kidding? I can never stay mad at Freddie. I need to apologise to him.

"See you tomorrow, Brian." Emma chirped up as I was about to leave, giving me a beautiful smile.

"Goodnight, Emma." I nodded my head at her and smiled back.

Night had fallen and it was rather dark out, the Stone and Feather was only a five minute drive away. I wondered if Fred was already there? Or if he was there at all...temperamental Mercury might be still narked off at me and stand me up...

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