This Is Fucking Crazy.

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Brian's P.O.V.

We all piled into the limo and it set off down the street, it was a good 30-40 minutes drive to the club that we had hired out which gave us all plenty of time to carry on drinking inside the limo.

"Boys, I have to give it to you, you're all fucking geniuses. The album is already rapidly climbing the charts!" Jim beamed at us like a proud dad.

"We have to thank you, Jim. With out you, we'd still be a struggling poor band who had no money to show for their fame!" Roger praised him back.

"Well, I'm just doing my job!" He chuckled, reaching into the small fridge of this fancy vehicle, "I think it's only right we pop open a bottle?" He smirked, pulling out yet another bottle of champagne as he knew we all had quite the taste for the substance.

"Jim, darling, how many bottles of that stuff is in that fridge?" Freddie asked with a cheeky glint in his eye.

"Five..." Jim answered.

"Excellent. Well then a bottle each, it has to be!" He grinned.

We all looked at him gobsmacked and he laughed at our expression, "Oh come on! It's our night. We might as well." He winked at us all, grabbing a bottle out of the fridge.

"Well, I don't see why not." Deaky shrugged, giggling as he pulled his own bottle out.

Soon we had all given in and were popping the corks of our own bottles and drinking out of them as if it was a bottle of beer.

"Briaaan..." I heard a playful little sing of my name and I looked towards Freddie who was sat opposite me, aiming his still unopened bottle at me. He waggled his eyebrows at me, threatening to pop the cork and have it fly out of the bottle and hit me.

"No!" I gasped, instantly shielding my face as he was already twisting it out, "Don't! Freddie!" I laughed, not daring to look.

The next thing I heard was a pop and a swoosh of the cork flying...until it struck me in the stomach, making me jump, "Ouch! You fucker..." I laughed, looking at him and his face of glee, I picked up the cork and threw it at him, making him squeal as he tried to dodge it.

"Save this play fighting for the bedroom guys, hmm?" Deaky teased, taking a swig from his giant bottle of champagne.

It was then that Jim caught on as he sat forward a little and looked at both me and Freddie in turn, "You're a thing?" He smiled.

I suddenly felt really embarrassed and glanced at Freddie, who, sporting a really red face, looking as I felt, we exchanged nervous glances before tearing our eyes away from each other, Freddie resorted to staring out of the window, taking large gulps from his bottle.

"Not officially..." Roger smirked, glancing at the both of us.

"Not yet." Deaky added, winking at me, I think that was a hint to remind me to ask him the question tonight, how could I forget? It was all I could bloody think about.

Freddie was silent for a while but soon broke out of his embarrassed trance, "Jim, do you know how many people are coming?" He was already half way through his bottle of champagne.

Jim shrugged, "The last I knew there was just over 200 but that was from last week, probably more now."

Fred grinned, "And the bar is still free for everyone?"

Jim nodded.

"Good. I want everyone off their tits." He cackled excitedly.

The way he was giggling and smiling to himself, drinking out of that bottle and looking all excited was adorable. He was adorable. I found it hard, having Rog, Deaky and Jim in the limo with us, I was used to us being on our own now most of the time, not that we were always together just the two of us, but when we kissed or hugged or did anything like that...we were always on our own. I wanted to slide next to him and put my arm around him but as a couple, a public couple...we weren't ready yet. I mean, we weren't even a real couple yet.

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