Late Night Errands.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously.

"Going home." I grumbled, turning and walking away.

"Hey." He grabbed my arm and span me around, he looked down at me as I looked up at him.

He was a lot taller than me, something I had liked about Rory but was crazy about when it came to Brian.

"I thought you had a date with Rory?" His voice had softened.

"I did...I don't like him anymore, Bri. I don't want to be with him. I didn't even want to fucking see him tonight." I sighed.

"Well you didn't have to."

"Roger and John made me." I shrugged.

His eyebrows furrowed, "Why?"

"I don't know, they said it would make me feel better...but I told them I didn't like him anymore but they wouldn't fucking listen." I looked down.

"That's stupid. Why would they do that to you."

"They thought it would take my mind off of you." I mumbled shyly, trying to break free from him but he kept me in his grip.

There was a tiny smile on his lips but also sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry...Fred. I know you don't like Charlie, I can understand that. I'm not going to ask you to start talking to him because I know you won't but...I realise how hard it is for see us together and I really am sorry it had to turn out this way..." his voice was hushed and I couldn't see his face as he was looking down and his curls covered everything.

I could feel a lump forming in my throat at those words but swallowed it back. He finally understood.

Before I could respond he starting talking again, "Come on. Let's go get a drink." He started walking and I followed him.

"Is Charlie going to be there?" I braced myself.

He turned to me, "No. Just you and me." He winked and I almost died.

I smiled and caught up with him.
We went to our favourite place, the Stone and Feather and Dave served us our usual drinks.

"Where were you coming from anyway?" I asked, thinking it was strange to see him in the middle of town at this time on his own.

He shrugged taking a sip of his pint, "Just running some errands."

"Late night errands?" I smirked.

He looked at me playfully and rolled his eyes at my remark, "Just errands."

"Like what?"

"You're such a nosy bugger. It doesn't matter."

I pouted in defeat, knowing full well that Brian wasn't about to tell me what he had been doing.

"So, I've been thinking, I feel like we need one more song on the album." He said.

"You do? What for?"

"I don't know. I can just feel it. One more song and it would be a real solid album I think. I just don't have a song that's ready that we could use." He pondered.

I knew what he meant, the album certainty did have room for one more song. I thought about my soppy, cry for help song that I had written from heartbreak and loneliness. It was finished, I had big visions for it but I still wasn't sure I wanted the boys finding out about a song I wrote that asks if somebody can find me somebody to love.

"I have one but...I don't know if it's any good." I mumbled.

"Really? You have to play it for me tomorrow!" He grinned.

"Oh, I don't know about that."

"Come on, you always play me your new songs and I always love them." He poked me in the ribs which made me squirm.

"I'll think about!" I giggled.

We'd had a couple of drinks more and were getting along swimmingly, it was just like normal times and I loved it.

"So, how are you and Charlie?" I suddenly asked. Secretly hoping that the alcohol would make him speak the truth, that he would say everything is shit. Charlie was cheating on him...

He shrugged, "Fine. Good. Yeah."


"Sure?" I pushed.


"Just making sure everything was okay after that tiff at the studio today."

"Oh. I haven't seen him since that." He said, quietly.

"So everything isn't fine?" I tried to make him realise.

He shrugged again, obviously uncomfortable with my questions, "It will be fine. It always is."

It never is.

I nodded, not bothering to argue. I'll just let him live his little dreamlike relationship in his head whilst we deal with all the shit that's going on in reality.

"Still looking like a fucking lion, Brian." Dave peeped, offending Brian once again about his hair and making me laugh hysterically.

"I don't look like a lion, Dave." Bri said unamused.

"Poodle then."

"No! It's just how my hair is, Dave!" He was getting tetchy which just made me laugh more.

"Sheep?" Dave was laughing now too.

"Whatever." Brian shook his head.

Dave walked away and Bri turned to me, "Is my hair really that bad, Charlie always says it's a mess too."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "Brian of course not. Take no notice of them. Your hair is your trademark. I fucking love it." I shrugged.

"Softy." He grinned.

"Thinking of having mine chopped off though."

He gasped, "No! You can't!"

"Long hair isn't in fashion now, Bri. It has to go. Besides, I can always grow it back if I don't like it." I shrugged.

He looked me over, "I don't know if I'd like you with short hair."

I giggled, "Well you'll soon find out."

I was fully intending to have it cut off, I'd thought about it for a long time, I think I'd suit it.

"Oh shit." Brian suddenly hissed to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"I forgot to tell you all, I got to the studio before everyone the other day and while I was there Jim called and said somebody contacted him wanting us to do a show at their venue."

"Oh brilliant!" I grinned, it had been a little while since we had performed live. "When?"

"Tuesday..." he cringed.

My eyes grew wide, "Tuesday?! Brian it's Thursday now, that only gives us 5 fucking days!" I started to panic.

"And it's in Scotland..."

"Scotland?!" I stood now, really panicking. "Well we need to make a set list, rehearse, rehearse again. This is impossible! We need to talk to Jim. Oh fuck. We need to tell the other two."

((A/N hi lovelies, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in two days, this week was my first week back at work after having the summer off and I'm really busy. I'm fully intending to try and update everyday still but if it's not everyday it will certainly be every other day. I hope this is okay! Also I really want to try my hand at a Deacury short story, would anyone be interested in that? Let me know :) thanks for being so active on my updates ❤️❤️))

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