Public Brothel.

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Brian's P.O.V.

I hurried in the direction I saw him run off in and to my shock, it lead me into a quieter room, sensually lit, the smell of musk in the air and fake candles creating an orange haze about the place. Red sofas with tables scattered the grounds and at closer inspection were occupied by couples. Kissing...canoodling...having sex, probably.

I was about to turn around but then I saw him, the skinny singer sat alone in one of the booths, tapping his fingers on the table.

I snaked over and placed the glass of champagne in front of him.

"Drink?" I teased.

"What's the matter? Scott fucked off?" He said, coldly, without looking at me.

I slid in next to him, sitting close, "No, I'd just rather be with you." I giggled, the room was slightly spinning.

He scoffed, "Liar." He took his glass and downed the whole thing in one.

"Truth." I poised, "Another?"

He nodded, still not looking at me, I downed my beer and retreated from the booth over to the sophisticated bar that was located in this room, only a low hanging crystal chandelier casting the light upon the exotic alcohol options. They had some rather outrageous cocktails on display and decided to order two of the strongest ones they had to offer. When Freddie was drunk, he was either two things, hard to get and jittery, never in the same place for more than a second and prowling among everybody or, he was clingy and spent the whole night latched on to one person trying to make something happen with them.

I wanted him to latch onto me to make my plan work but with him already seeming to be pissed off at me that could prove to be difficult, so a constant stream of alcohol going into him should make things easier.

After the partially naked bartender had whipped up our fancy cocktails I paid and took them over to the booth we had claimed.

I put his cocktail in front of him.

"What the fuck is this?" He stared at it in disgust.

I cackled at his reaction, it did look rather ghastly.

I sat down next to him.

"It's bright fucking blue." He turned the glass to examine its contents.

At least mine wasn't blue.

"Taste it. It might be nice." I coaxed, lifting it to his lips, there was a straw poking out of it but he ignored that. He took the glass and took a reluctant sip.

He coughed a little, licking his lips, "Christ, that's strong." He smiled a little.

"Nice?" I asked.

"It's alright."

"Want to taste mine?" I smirked, pointing the straw in his direction.

He looked into my eyes as if he was trying to read me but leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the straw.

He grimaced, "The hell is that?! This blue shit tastes better!" He giggled, taking another gulp of his.

"Let me try!"

He slid the glass over to me and I tasted it. "Hey, that's nice that is."
I edged closer to him, "What did you run off for?" I asked, already knowing the answer of course but I had to imitate the conversation somehow.

He dead eyed me, "You seemed quite happy with that Scott guy, John and Roger are inseparable...didn't think anyone would miss me." He shrugged.

"I missed you." I pouted. My plan was firmly in action.

He glanced at me, "How many more lies are you going to tell me?" He didn't seem impressed.

No matter how drunk Freddie ever got he still always had some sense in him and that was bloody annoying when you're trying to outsmart him.

"I'm not lying. Why do you think I came to find you?" I smiled.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe to rub whatever you and Scott were doing in my face just like you were out there?" He spat, taking another gulp of his toxic blue drink.

Shit. He'd took it the way I didn't want him to take it.

"I was only joking. I didn't even want to be with him. I would have much rather danced with you." I winked, purposefully.

"Would you much rather it be me that was grinding the fuck out of you?" His face was stone cold.

That statement took me by surprise and I struggled to answer.

He scoffed again, "Thought not."

"Maybe..." I said cheekily, chewing on the straw that was poking out of my drink.

He glanced at me again and then looked away.

"What kind of place is this? It's weird..." I looked around.

A smile escaped his lips, "Brian. You have so much to learn." He said, smugly.

"Go on then Mr Know-it-all, tell me." I giggled.

He shrugged, "'s the back room. There are no rules, nothing is prohibited...nothing is illegal. People can do whatever...they...want." His vision was looking past me and he pointed, "Like those two...over there." He smirked.

I turned around to see what he was pointing at and could see a couple in one of the dark booths performing some kind of sexual act on each other.

I turned around quickly, "Oh, jesus."

He raised his eyebrows and took a drink, "It's basically a public brothel with a bar." He grinned.

I laughed along with him, "And you've been in one of these before?!"

He rolled his eyes, "Darling. I've been in plenty."

"And you've...joined in on the activities?"

He bit his lip, nodding his head.

"That" And I wasn't just saying that to go along with the plan. Why the fuck did I find it quite seductive? I wouldn't ever be able to do anything like that.

He laughed louder than the music, "Is somebody jealous?" He taunted.

"Of the people you fucked, yes." I licked my lips and his smile fell a little in surprise.

He grasped his drink and drank the whole lot.

"Another round?" I suggested having finished mine too.

"Keep those fuckers coming." He grinned.

I was enjoying his company and flirting with him way too much. Everything I'd actually said to him was true. I was basically letting him know that I like him but the only reason why he wasn't buying it was because I'd let him down so many times.

I didn't know how long I could keep this up.

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