Sweet Reality.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

The rest of the night was a total blur.

From that scene in the bathroom with Brian, I couldn't remember anything that had happened afterwards. But honestly, did I really need to? The parts I could remember were the most important ones.

Yes, I had snook away from Brian so I could take the drugs without him trying to stop me, I knew he didn't like me using them...but I wanted to, it was only occasionally and the party was a need for celebration.

I did have all intentions of going back to Brian after I had completed my mission, but I had got talking to Elton and then got pulled away and got fed copious amounts of alcohol whilst lounging on that red sofa, people were coming and going, I wasn't sat with Billy and Tilly the whole time. They sound like a comedy duo...but they're far from it. Yes, Tilly was a prostitute and Billy was unfortunately, a person I had slept with in my rebellious years, unfortunate because he was quite frankly the worst fuck ever. Billy was trying to make me sweet walk Tilly into giving him a free fuck...but she wasn't having any of it. In fact, I think she was more interested in me.

So yes, I did have my arms around the both of them but not in a claiming way...and the situation probably did look a little dysfunctional to Brian. He had every right to quiz me about it.
Especially when I snatched my arms away from them so quickly, it probably did look like I was trying hard to hide something.

But then again, when Brian dragged me into that bathroom with him I wasn't totally with it, seeing double and not being able to stand still what with wobbling on my unsteady feet. He wasn't impressed that I had taken drugs, if he wasn't drunk, he would have blown his top, but seeing as though he was in good, drunken spirits, he forgot about it quickly.

But what happened in that bathroom...I don't think I'll ever be able to forget.

He had me pressed against that sink so forcefully...he wasn't afraid to show me how he was feeling, and that was certainly very sexually frustrated.

Which made me feel the same way.

And then he dropped the bombshell question on me, what are we?

I'd known what we are for a long while but I have never had the guts to answer his question, hoping that we would just flourish until there was no need to put a label on it there and then because it just evolved into a relationship...but Brian needed clarification.

I was all set for answering and then he near on knocked my two front teeth out what with how forcefully he began to kiss me, his frustration really shining through, nibbling on my bottom lip, his hands tightening around my waist, I was glad his hips were no longer pressing me against that sink...he would have certainly felt the hard on he had caused.

And then, out of breath, those two little husky words left his mouth, be mine.

I stopped breathing, I nearly fucking collapsed. Years had I chased this man and he was the one to ask me to be his.

Alright, was my answer which apparently he struggled to believe after having asked the question three previous times and never getting an answer...a shallow, timid answer if I have to admit but it clarified it for both me and him.

Alright, I'll be yours, Bri.

And then, having got me all worked up it was my turn to snog him, taking control momentarily and pushing him up against a wall.

I would have liked to cherish the moment where we finally agreed to be together for real...but the time and the place was not appropriate...we were a proper item now and that's all that mattered, all I could think about whilst biting his bottom lip.

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