Seeking Revenge.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I'd found it rather difficult to sleep last night after the date, it was a strange feeling, one that obviously kept me awake but I didn't mind, instead of the horrible, mind numbing thoughts that refused me sleep, they were pleasant and were making me excited for the future. Maybe my mind was running away with me a little, I mean, after all, I was imagining being in a real relationship with him, one of those where I would walk up to him and either put my arms around his waist from behind or rest my head on his shoulder. One where I could call him sweet names and flirtatiously talk to him and get some little flirty comments back.

It was weird, and a huge factor to prove that I had changed was the fact that I was thinking about all these cute little things we could do whereas last year...the sex would be the only thing on my mind and up to now, I'd not really thought about that aspect. I was more looking forward to getting intimate with Brian on an emotional level. Not a physical one.

I lay awake, smiling a little up at the ceiling, eventually I had dropped off to sleep, I was already feeling a little nervous about seeing Brian this morning, I know we're pretending it didn't happen when we're together normally and like he doesn't actually live here, but he does, and it did happen. And it's going to be bloody hard for me to hide that. But I was thoroughly enjoying how everything was panning out, pretending to not know each other, it worked brilliantly, even if that little rendezvous at the end of the night meant I had to send him away as if he had just walked me to the door...then for him to just wait in the garden for me to let him in.

I giggled thinking about it, feeling warm inside as I would have never thought Brian would go along with something like that, I thought he would be like 'What are you doing, Freddie? Stop it. You're being silly.'

But he wasn't, he played along and also seemed to enjoy it.

I broke into a giggly grin when I remembered we had, albeit briefly, held hands.

Just thinking about it made my hand tingle and I definitely wanted it to happen again. For longer.

I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower across the hallway, spying last nights tuxedo on the washing pile, everything that was and could be associated with the date last night was making me smile like a goon.

I quickly washed my hair, not bothering to dry it off once I had gotten dry and dressed and braced myself for venturing down stairs, even though the house was silent, I wasn't sure anybody was actually in.

I rounded the corner into the living room and saw Brian in the kitchen, his back to me, which was a blessing as I gasped a little and instantly came over very bashful, a stupid grin on my face that wouldn't fuck off. My heart beat faster and I came over all hot and bothered.

I shook it off the best I could and walked into the kitchen, placing a glass into the sink.

He span around to face me, he must have heard me.

"Morning..." he said playfully, smiling.

I giggled, "Good morning." I returned his tone.

"Are you alright?" He asked casually, although there was an apparent blush on his cheeks.

"Yes, not bad. You?" I asked, I cursed myself for coming over all shy.

He glanced at me, "Not bad." He smirked, "Tea?"

"Oh I'd love one." I sat on one of the stools and watched him, "Where are the other two?" I asked.

He turned around again, his eyebrows were furrowed as he stirred my tea, "Umm...they had a bit of a tiff earlier this morning. John ran off. I spoke to Roger for a bit, he said Deaky doesn't feel like Roger pays enough attention to him..."

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