Its Drugs. Isn't It.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

"You finally made it!" I shouted above the music when I saw Deaky dragging Roger over to our table, I stood up leaning across the table to shout in his ear, "Be a darling and get me those two drinks you owe me."

"Already?!" He exclaimed.

I nodded, eager to get utterly drunk.
"I'll come with you!" I called.

He nodded and stepped back, waiting for me to squeeze myself out from the table and past Brian who was blocking me in, admittedly, although he was stubborn to move because he's a tormentative arsehole, I enjoyed shoving past him, almost loosing my balance and landing in his lap. Maybe I would purposefully do that later on.

Myself and Roger headed to the bar where I told him I wanted a glass of champagne and pint of lager.

"Champagne and lager? You really can go from camp gay to manly man in a jiffy can't you!" Roger teased, giggling.

I looked smug, "You know what they say Rog, get a man who can do both." I playfully slapped his arse and he yelped a little.

"Fred!" He looked a little mortified, which just added to my hilarity.

Whilst we waited for our drinks we leaned against the bar, "You got anything on you?" I shouted in his ear again.

He gave me a sneaky side glance and shook his head.

"Bullshit!" I shouted.

Once we had our beverages I pulled my same trick as I did last time when it was just me, Rog and Deaky out, I lead the blonde away from the main bustle of the club and to a slightly more private, quiet area.

"What are you doing?!" He protested as he tried to fight me and go back to the others.

"Don't give me that, you know what I want." I raised my eyebrows mischievously.

He sighed in defeat, "Can't we at least have a drink first?"

"You can if you like but I want some now." I shrugged.

"You act like a spoilt brat sometimes, you know that." He grumbled, digging around in the inside pocket of his jacket and pulling out a small pouch full of white powder and handing it to me.

"I think I deserve a little bit of this!"

"Excuse me, if you're talking about what you've done for me and John, I've thanked you many times and I've bought you the two drinks! And you know Brian doesn't agree with us taking drugs..." He laughed.

"My work with you two isn't done  yet Roger, and thank you for the drinks but a boyfriend lasts longer than a drink does. Well, most of the time. Brian won't know, he'll just think we're pissed." I shrugged, sprinkling a little of the powder onto my hand and taking it, handing the pouch back to Roger.

"He's not my boyfriend." He argued, giving in and taking some of it himself.

"Yet." I stated. "He will be."

We headed back to John and Bri where they had a tray of shots between them as they sat opposite each other at the table.

I made brief eye contact with Brian before slipping in again, purposefully pressing the backs of my legs onto his as I climbed over him and into my seat again.

I hadn't even had a drink yet, neither had the drugs kicked in but I already seemed to be more confident...especially with Brian. It must have been the whole club vibe. I didn't want to seem too different with him. Give too much away. Just a little, more so than I've given away at work.

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