Be My Boyfriend.

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John's P.O.V.

"I better go, I don't want to leave those two alone for long otherwise they'll kill each other." I said softly and Fred removed his head from my shoulder and I took my arm away from his.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. So don't get yourself all worked up. You weren't even here when it all kicked off. Just stay out of his way." I half smiled, wanting to make him feel better but honestly, he looked frightened. "Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

"Night Deakster." He smirked a little.

"Night Freddiekins." I giggled and I left his room ready for battle.

On my way downstairs everywhere was silent and normally that would have been a blessing, but right now it was just suspicious.

I rushed into the living room and looked around, "Where is he?" I asked.

Roger shrugged, "Stormed off again. Good riddance is all I can say."

"What the fuck. This isn't good he's already in a state." I panicked.

"Chill out. Maybe he'll be back in the morning sobered up and a new man." He snickered.

"I don't have a good feeling about this. He's going to do something stupid. We should go and look for him." I paced back and forth.

"Are you kidding me? Go out and look for that jerk? Just to bring him home and have him be horrible to us again?" Roger was shaking his head.

"Rog. We need to. You know you'll regret it if something happens to him." I shook him gently.

He sighed after a pause, "Fine. Let's go."

I kissed him on the cheek and dragged him to the hallway where we put on our shoes and went out into the streets.

Neither of us should have driven seeing as though we had been drinking earlier but out of desperation we clambered into my car and I set off cruising the streets to try and find the curly haired bastard.

"He could be anywhere." Roger huffed as he looked around.

"How long ago did he leave?" I asked.

"About 5 minutes before you came back downstairs."

"Then he can't be far."

After driving around for another 5 minutes we saw somebody.

"There. Straight ahead." Roger pointed.

Sure enough, staggering about in the middle of the road with that mass of curls bouncing about on his head...was Brian. As soon as I saw him my anger bubbled up again but I had to keep calm in order to make him come back home.

"Don't get angry or he'll never come back with us." I ordered.

Roger scoffed, "I'll try."

I drove up beside him and rolled my window down, "Brian?"

"Go away." He slurred and upped his pace but it was easy to keep up with him in the car.

"Come back home."

"What for? There's nothing for me there."

I felt a little sad for him.
"Please, Bri? We're worried about you." I said gently. He stopped and I stopped the car. "We can talk."

"There's nothing to talk about." He hung his head low.

"Okay...but please just come home. Get in the car?"

There was a long pause, I was relieved the Roger hadn't said anything because I feel like that may have ruined things.

He hesitated a little, "Okay..." he whispered and to my relief he got in the back of the car.

The short ride home was silent and myself and Roger helped the still very drunk Brian into the house and up to his bedroom.

We were not prepared to help undress him like Freddie had been but he seemed perfectly capable as he began stripping his clothes off himself.

"We're glad you came home. Night Bri." I gave him a smile and he looked at me, his face had softened from the scary and nasty one from earlier. I didn't want to say much else to him in case he buggered off again.

"Night guys." He replied and tumbled into bed.

I switched off the light on our way out and both me and Roger leaned against the walls and took a deep breath.

"We're like the parents of this household." He smiled a little shaking his head.

"Tell me about it." I agreed.

"It's exhausting." He stood up properly now.

"I know. I think I'm going to go to bed." I stepped closer to him.

"So soon?" He pouted.

He made me blush, "Why, don't you want me to?"

"Can I have five minutes with you?" He smiled playfully which made my stomach twist.

"I suppose so." I agreed, nodding my head.

He pulled me into his bedroom in which we had been standing outside. I still got butterflies whenever we were in a bedroom just lead me to think about what could happen.

"I think we found out more than we wanted to tonight..." he muttered as he took off his top to put on his pyjamas.

My answer was delayed as I much rather stared at his naked torso.
"Yeah...I think we found out some vital shit though." I eventually agreed.

"But what the fuck do we do with this 'vital shit'...this is such a weird and wrong situation we're in. We can't let it carry on. We shouldn't know any of this."

"True, we can't and we shouldn't. But how do we go about it? How do we subtly leak this out into the open? Or do we just forget that we know anything?" I asked.

"That's something we need to have a long hard think about. I do know we shouldn't forget about it though." He crooned as he moved closer to me and placed his hands at my waist. "All I know is, whenever it comes to the surface...people are going to get hurt. And that's shit. But for now, whilst those people are blissfully unaware we should also pretend we don't know. Just for these five minutes." He winked and leaned in closer to me, I had to fight a smile when I felt his lips upon mine.

My arms sneakily snaked around his neck as my back hit a wall. He pulled away but I was hungry for more of Roger Taylor and pulled him back in.

He giggled into the kiss and made me want to initiate more...nervously, I swept my tongue lightly along his bottom lip and a minuscule gasp escaped his lips as his eyes opened.

Neither of us were beginners at kissing as we had both had the odd sexual partner and kissing was something we'd both done a lot of. It was just with another male and...with each other that we were not professionals on. But I was determined to become an expert of kissing this particular man.

Cheekily still staring into his eyes I took his bottom lip in the light grasp of my teeth and sucked on it for a few seconds before letting him go. He groaned almost silently and his grip on my waist had tightened.

"Goodnight, Rog." I smirked before escaping his hold and going for his door.

"Wait." He caught my hand before I left for my room. He looked at me weirdly and giggled nervously before licking his lips. "Be my boyfriend..." he whispered.

My heart swelled dangerously and I went a little light headed. Gasping loudly with a mixture of disbelief laughter I was speechless. I covered my mouth and he was grinning still with my hand in his.

I walked closer to him, nodding, "Yes!" I squealed and we fell into each other's arms, hugging each other tightly, trying to go through this special moment without waking the other two up.

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