Daniel Ricciardo: Shameless flirting

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It was just another day at the local coffee shop you worked at. Most of the people that came in ordered the same drink, which was starting to become pretty boring. It was a particularly quiet afternoon. Not many people had taken a visit that day, so you were pretty tired and actually just wanted to go home and take a nap as soon as possible, even though you knew you wouldn't be able to.

"Honey, could you please help these charming young men over there," Your boss requested. She was an old, lovely lady with a huge passion for coffee. You loved her for it. She was so passionate and kind about what she did.

"Of course. I'll be right there!" You called back and made your way over to the young men. You recognised them right away. He was also there. Daniel Ricciardo. Together with some other drivers. Your felt your heartbeat pick up at the sight of them. Or in particular, Daniel. Not that you'd actually show your nerves, though.

"Hi there! What can I get you guys?" You asked cheerfully. Only Daniel looked up, the rest was still busy looking at the menu card. Your eyes locked, after which he sent you one of his famous smiles.

"I'll have a latte, please". You beamed at him, scribbling down his order. "And four espresso's please". You looked towards the source of the voice and saw that it belonged to the one and only Max Verstappen. You nodded your head and scribbled their order down.

"Alright, coming right up," you said, making your way back over to your boss, Margaret. "Honey? Is this not that handsome young man that you were all about? I must admit, that I would, you know, if I were any younger," She said knowingly.

"Margaret! I did not need to hear that," you laughed out. "But yes. It is him," You admitted.

"Well. I'll prepare their orders for you. Will you bring it to them?" "It would be my pleasure," you said. When she was done preparing the orders, you made your way over to their table once again. "A latte for you," you said while placing it in front of Daniel, receiving a thank you in reply. After placing the Espresso's down as well, you were called over by Margaret.

"Well, enjoy your drinks, guys!" you said cheerfully and walked towards your boss. "I shouldn't babble, but your so called 'crush' has been staring at you ever since he walked in."

You snickered when she used the word 'crush'. You had literally just told her what a 'crush' was before he came walking into the store. "I doubt that. He could get any woman he'd want. Why would he be staring at me?" you said in disbelief.

"Oh honey," she began "have a little faith in yourself. ". After your little conversation with Margaret you went up to your co-worker Matt. "You know, ever since you came up to me, he's been looking pretty sour. I think someone is pretty jealous,"he said making you shake your head.

"Maybe you are just imagining things. What is it with you guys today? Do you really want to make me believe that the Daniel Ricciardo is staring at little old me? Me?"

Matt looked at you and rolled his eyes. "Trust me, babe. I am the expert here. You need to trust me when I say those kind of things about boys." Of course he was the expert. He knows all about boys, being into them.

"Alright then, whatever you say, dude," you said, holding up your hands.

"Looks like he's coming this way. Get yourself some of that, girl". He said just before dissapearing around the corner. You turned around, and saw that Matt was, in fact, right. There he was. Daniel stood leaning against the counter. "I would like to pay miss," he said, holding up his credit card.

"Go right ahead," you said as you printed the receipt for him. "I hope you enjoyed your drinks."

"Oh I certainly did. Enjoyed the view very much too," he said smugly, shoving his card back into his wallet. You frowned slightly. The street in which the shop was located wasn't that beautiful, so you had no idea why he would say that. Unless he was flirting with you. You quickly shook that thought out of your head, though. Why on earth would he flirt with you in the first place?

"That's good to hear. Is that all, or can I help you with something else today?" You asked.

"Yes, I think you can", he started as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket, "I kind of forgot my phone number, so you can help me by putting yours in my phone."

You blinked at him in suprise. Did he just use a pick-up line on you? You couldn't help but let out a giggle, to which he responded with his famous smile.

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