Carlos Sainz: Hola chica

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Can we all just take a moment to appreciate this picture.

*Your POV*

I had received an invitation to the Toro Rosso paddock a few weeks ago as a result of having won a contest. I was over the moon about this and really hoped to see my favourite driver, Carlos Sainz. I knew this would probably never happen, but a girl can dream, right? So here I was, packing my clothes and other important stuff because tomorrow I would be flying to Barcelona, where the race would take place that weekend! Words couldn't even describe how happy I am. My parents and good friends were probably really annoyed because I couldn't stop talking about it. For now, I just had to wait a little bit longer.

The day had finally come, I was going to the Toro Rosso paddock. A staff member had picked me up at the airport and took me directly to the circuit. He gave ne a small tour first and showed me the way around, as I would be on my own during the race. After the small tour, he took me to the paddock and showed me the way around. It was very interesting and I asked a lot of questions. Some time during me asking annoyingly many questions, Carlos and Daniil had walked in, unbeknownst to me.

*Carlos POV*

Daniil whisteled as we walked into the paddock after free practice. I had literally no clue as to why he would whistle all of a sudden. But as I looked more carefully, I found the most beautiful girl I had ever seen standing in our paddock.

"Hola chica," I whispered to myself, thinking Daniil didn't hear me. And yet, he did. God, the guy literally hears everything, i thought to myself.

"Whatever you said, indeed. She's pretty," Daniil said. "You should go and talk to her."

"I don't know if that is a good idea," I said, doubting myself. Thinking about the time in high school I asked a girl out and her rejecting me rudely.

"Oh come on, man! I know what you're thinking. That's in the past, Carlos," Daniil tried to reassure me. Yet, I still wasn't really sure about it.

"Christ, Carlos! Now go before I make my way over there."

"Alright, alright! caramba, Daniil. You really know how to piss someone off," I said.

"At the end of the day, you'll be thankful I am like this. Now go! Text me how it went, I want to know everything!" He said, and went into his motorhome.

"Alright, stay calm. You can do this," I thought to myself and slowly made my way over to the beauty in my paddock.

*Your POV*

"Oh really? That's so cool. Gosh, why didn't I know that before!" I said, when my tour guide explained yet another thing to me.

"Yeah, it's all pretty amazing," he said, while focusing on something behind me. I turned my head a bit to the side and saw that it wasn't something but someone. Carlos Sainz was standing behind me.

"Oh! Hi Carlos, didn't expect you here. Anyway, now that you are, would you mind doing her a favour and explain her some stuff?" The guy said.

"Sure," was all he said, his eyes never leaving yours.

"Alright, well, have fun then! Lovely meeting you (y/n)!" He said before leaving the two of you alone.

"Yeah," you whispered absentmindedly, your eyes trained on the handsome man before you.

"Oh! I am (y/n) by the way," I said when I realised that I had been staring at him like a freak and mentally facepalmed myself. "It's so nice to finally meet you." I added shyly.

"Hi, I'm Carlos Sainz, you are really pretty," he said, taking me - and also himself-  off guard. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

I giggled at the thought that he was probably as awkward as I am in situations like these. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think you are very handsome as well."

He smiled at this and asked how your day had been. The two of us talked for what felt like hours. I found out that we had a lot in common and also had a lot of the same interests. I only realised how late it had gotten when Carlos' Phone started ringing and him starting to curse  in Spanish.

"Shit, it's already nine o'clock," he said, making my eyes widen in shock. Had I seriously been talking with him for four hours straight?

"Look, I really need to get back to my hotel room. I have to be in shape for tomorrow," Carlos said.

"I actually really have to go too. I have another tour early in the morning tomorrow," I said.

"Will I see you again?" He asked hopefully. He asked me hopefully, holy shit.

"That depends on your schedule, I guess. I really hope so, though," I admitted.

"Shall we exchange numbers? I'd really like to stay in touch with you," Carlos proposed, which I - of course -  agreed to.

After exchanging numbers, we separated. When I was back in my hotel room I squealed like a little girl and fell asleep dreaming of him...

*His POV*

Smiling, I walked into my apartment. I shook my head at the thought of having been scared to go talk to her at first. Before going to bed I checked my phone and saw that I had received two text messages, one from (y/n), and one from Daniil:

(Y/N): Hey, Carlos! Just wanted to wish you loads of good luck for tomorrow! You can do it! Good night, hope to see you soon again xx

Daniil: Thankful yet?

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